we're alive

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Donghyuck, Mark, and Renjun barge into Taeyong's room causing the older to jump and spill his coffee all over the floor.

"What are you-"

Renjun is crying. "There's no time for explaining," he says.

"Jeno and Jaemin are about to do something really dumb. We need to stop them before it's too late!"

The four comes running out from the headquarters, bodies protected by special-made suits to keep out the snow, Taeyong's heart dropping by every step.

"There!" Mark yells, catching the glimpse of something laying on the ground on a little hill. The four run up, meeting the sight of two loaded guns lying in the snow next to a plastic container with a note.

We're alive.
We ran away.
The container is filled with Jaemin's spit.
Hope you can use it.

- Jeno

They were able to keep the antidote in Jaemin's spit alive, evolve it, and after a few years, they sent it into the atmosphere by a rocket. Soon, the snow vanished.

On the hill, they planted two trees in the memory of Jeno and Jaemin. The trees grew snaked around each other, therefore becoming one and gaining the name: The JJ tree.

No one has seen anything to the two boys for years. Mark and Donghyuck moved to another country after the world had started to turn back to how it once was, the apocalypse still having left its cruel scars on everyone and everything. Renjun became a dad, naming his son in the memory of his lost best friend.

And Taeyong was still waiting for his brother to return, not knowing if he is alive or not.

. * :.

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