not so 'little' after all

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°chapter two °

Renjun is stopped in his tracks as Taeyong stumbles out of a room a few meters away from him. The older's now black hair is messy and his tie is hanging loosely of his neck, something unusual as Taeyong's always extremely neat. Renjun walks up to him.

"Taeyong!" he yells, catching the older's attention. The moment Taeyong notices Renjun his face goes red and he nervously sips up his jeans, hoping that the latter didn't see. Renjun did, though, and he smirks realizing where the older had appeared so suddenly from.

"What were you doing in officer Jaehyun's room?" Renjun being the evil person he is, questions. He eyes Taeyong up and down only making him more nervous as he's pretty aware of the fact that he looks like a mess.

"Business," Taeyong clears his throat and straightens from the awkward position he was standing in before, fixing his tie. "Do you need anything?"

Renjun shakes away the want to tease Taeyong further and goes straight to the point. "Jimin has been looking for you. He's at the greenhouse."

Taeyong widens his eyes "Shit-"

. * :.


Taeyong enters the greenhouse, immediately spotting the well posturet, not so tall, young male. Jimin turns around by the mention of his name and smile so his eyes form crescent as he sees Taeyong running towards him.

"You've been looking for me?" Taeyong asks.

Jimin nods. "I already informed Namjoon about the matter, but you need to know too. The Scandinavian Assemble are coming by next month. They have room for 5000 more of our people," he tells him.

"Really?" Taeyong asks shocked. "They already took in a little over 2000 last year, are you sure they have room for more?"

Jimin nods. "A little over 50,000 of their European transferees are getting sent home as their originating countries are doing better. The assemble is, therefore, reaching out a little more to Asia," he explains. "Fort Busan has already filled out 3407 of the 5000 slots, the rest is ours."

"That's such great news!" Taeyong exclaims. "How long will we be able to keep our people there?"

"Until we have room to take them back," Jimin answers him. "When we finish building the extension to our northern side we'll have plenty of room to take them back. Mark and Donghyuck will also return with the ship."

A smile grows onto Taeyong's face. Throughout the seventeen years that the rest of the world suffered from the apocalypse and the five years leading up to the whole thing, Scandinavia had gotten secret information about the toxins in the atmosphere, and instead of doing nothing like most of the world did, the three countries went together and created a union.

They let their citizens know a month prior of the day the first snow fell what was about to happen, went together to invest in good security and allthough financially the whole thing was costing, they ended up only loosing very small numbers of their population while the rest of the world lost more than four fifths.

While the rest of the world went under ruins, the Scandinavian citizens went to work and school, watched television in the evening, slept safely in their beds, ate ice cream in the summer, and stayed inside whenever the snow would come.

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