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°chapter eight °

Jeno doesn't answer. Something in his throat makes it impossible like it is pulling him down to the floor.

"Jeno?" Jaemin whispers and flinches a little. "Is it you?" his voice is raspy and Jeno can't imagine how much Jaemin must've cried for it to sound like that.

"It's me..." Jeno manages to say, "Nana."

Jaemin finally turns around. "I thought you had left forever," he says and his voice cracks halfway through the sentence. Jeno gulps and walks over to him, avoiding to look at his face as much as possible. He doesn't like the feeling of knowing that the tear stains on Jaemin's puffy cheeks are because of him.

Jeno stops a little away from Jaemin. He takes off his sneakers and socks, pulling up his pants to his knees as the younger has done. "Can I sit?" he asks and motions towards the edge of the pool. Jaemin nods, so Jeno takes a seat next to him, letting his feet drown in the water. It's not that it's cold, but Jeno just feels himself freeze completely.

Both keep quiet, and for different reasons. Jeno doesn't know what to say and Jaemin's afraid.

"You know I love you, right?" the younger finally make himself speak. "I didn't mean what I said Jeno. I'm so sorry. It just came out before I had a chance to let it."

"I know Jaemin," Jeno assures. "I'm sorry too. It wasn't only your fault."

Jaemin suddenly feels his throat tighten. Why won't Jeno look at him? "You still love me, right?" he asks and tries getting anything, just a little reaction out of Jeno, but the older only sit completely still and his gaze never leaves the space in between his feet. "Jeno, please look at me," Jaemin begs.

The raven-haired finally lands his gaze on Jaemin and seeing as a brand new tear start trailing down the pathway created by the previous ones on the younger's cheek, Jeno quietly scoots closer and wipes it away with his thumb, the rest of his big hand resting on Jaemin's soft cheek. The action sends chills through the brunette. "Of course I still love you."

Jaemin smiles and gives Jeno a quick little peck, and the older fights the urge to pull him closer and hug and kiss him into eternity. But he's good at restraining himself, especially with Jaemin.

"It's safe to go back, Jaemin. You don't have to be afraid anymore," he says after a while of the two admiring how each other looks in the dim lights coming from the pool. Somehow, the lamps in there have managed to keep on working.

Jaemin's smile reduces a little. "I know, after the snow vanished, I knew they wouldn't need me for anything. And I realized I wasn't afraid of going back."

"Then what?" Jeno frowns.

"I'm not afraid to go back, I never was since last year. I'm afraid to leave everything we have behind, Jeno," Jaemin pauses. "We have our own little world here, where it's just the two of us, our house and our little abandoned area. I don't know, I guess I've always been afraid of other people coming in a ruining it."

"Okay," Jeno inhales sharply. "Let's not go back then?"

Jaemin shakes his head. "No, we should go back, but not now. I want it to just be us for a little while longer."

Jeno nods and lets his gaze fall back onto the water. He gets an idea and smirks as he pulls off his pants and throws them behind him, jumping into the water. He shivers, the water being a little cold the first few seconds before he gets used to it. He splashes some at Jaemin causing the younger to giggle.

"Why don't you join me here?" Jeno questions suggestively as he floats around the water in front of Jaemin with a smug. It isn't that deep of a pool as the water only reaches Jeno's chest when he stands.

Jaemin really didn't want to but he does it anyway, and soon he has entered the pool too.

"It's so cold," he whines and hugs himself the moment his thin body plobs down into the pool.

Jeno laughs. "You'll get used to it," he teases, splashing water onto Jaemin again, earning cute shrieks from him. "You just need to go underwater for a minute," he says and lets himself sink into the water until he vanishes from above the surface. Jaemin watches as the raven hair sinks into the depths of the pool, becoming nothing but a blurry black dot.

Jeno soon emerges from the water again and Jaemin's sure his heart completely stopped beating.

Jeno's so effortlessly hot, the type of hot you are when you don't even realize it, and Jaemin can't help but stare as Jeno pants and rubs his wet eyes. The fabric of his shirt sticks dangerously close to his body and the way his raven hair seems to have become darker than usual, parts sticking onto his face and water dripping down from his locks, makes a feeling in Jaemin erupt, and he wants something he has never gotten before.

Jeno succeeds in getting the water out of his eyes and when his gaze meets Jaemin's he blinks. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jaemin's cheeks bloom with color. "I want to try it," he says shyly.

Jeno's eyes widen. "What?"

"I want you this time."

Jeno feels a sudden warmth spread throughout him, almost warming up the water around him. "But, we've never done it that way before," he whispers.

"I want to try," Jaemin insists and who is Jeno to decline. He wants it too.

They meet somewhere in between, and the moment their lips meet Jeno gets as much in the mood as Jaemin, and their passion starts growing together. The kiss is slow and messy and their teeth clang against each other every now and then. Jeno fiddles his fingers through Jaemin's hair and they move even closer.

Somewhere between the mess, that is the two, their shirts are thrown off.

"Are you sure you want to do this," Jeno asks through kisses. "It hurts a lot at first."

"Please," Jaemin begs and that's all he needed to say to break the animal in Jeno free. Soon, Jaemin's whimpering in pain and he almost regrets the entire thing, but after a while, a beautiful feeling overlaps and the water in the pool seemed to overheat.

. * :.

aaah i'm so embarrassed...
i was considering writing smut but like, my innocent soul can't do that.

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