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°chapter eleven °

The Scandinavian Assembly is coming today, and Jeno is so excited he is jumping in place like a little child. They are coming to take the first 2500 people, and will also return with three officers, two high officials Taeyong is close with and Mark and Donghyuck.

Jeno glances over all the people waiting for the ship to arrive.

Most are families with kids. Young kids...

Jeno wonders how it must've been growing up in this entire mess. Then again, he grew up mostly in an isolated box-like building, so it isn't like he grew up normally either. Sometimes Jeno wonders how none of them turned crazy in there. Maybe he did a little, building up that fake and aggressive version of himself. But luckily, Jaemin showed him how to turn back to his old self.

Jaemin has done so much for him, and Jeno can't express in words how much the boy means to him. They were destined to meet each other, Jeno's sure of that, because from the moment he had bandaged Jaemin's arm back at Bangtan, to the time he thought Jaemin had died, the time where they had their first kiss on a treetop, the moment they ran away, and until now, Jaemin is the one who keeps him standing, even though he doesn't always realize it himself.

So when a petite hand intertwines with his, his mood automatically goes up just a tiny notch.

"Look!" Jaemin points out into the distance where they can see the ship. "It's coming!" he laughs with excitement. Jeno looks at him with a smile. Yes, he's convinced Jaemin is the little one between the two now. Although secretly, they both are.

It's the first time Jaemin has ever seen a moving ship with his own eyes and he can't help but jump in place. Jeno finds it so extremely adorable. "I've always wanted to sail on a ship!" he exclaims. "Sailing on a ship and riding a bike is two things I need to do before I die."

Jeno leans closer, whispering into Jaemin's ear. "You know..." his hot breath causes Jaemin's stomach to tingle. "You can always ride something different if you want."

Jaemin had expected Jeno to whisper something romantic like 'I can take you on a trip, and we can watch the sundown like we always do'. But no, that wasn't what left Jeno's ever so innocent lips. Jaemin punches him hard in the stomach, earning some rather weird looks from Renjun and his son. They have the exact some judging frown which causes Jeno to smile through the pain.

"I meant you could ride a horse," he grunts.

A few minutes pass as the ship sails ashore and the excitement in Jeno's stomach continues to grow. Taeyong comes running past them and gives Jeno a quick smile before stopping in front of Namjoon a little away. Jeno watches as they disguss something and Taeyong gives an order to an officer who scurries away.

Jeno's not going to lie, he kind of misses Taeyong's intimidating red hair. But he won't deny that even with the bouncy natural locks, his brother still manages to look like he can kill you with a simple stare.

Must lie in the family as Jeno isn't much different when it comes to looking daunting but being a softie.

Jaemin pulls Jeno's arm when a little door opens in the ship and the stairs get placed out. A lot of very tall people exit and Jeno guesses by the way they look they must be the Scandinavians. Followed by them are some of Bangtan's officers and two very handsome men who Taeyong greets with a hug the moment they make it down from the stairs.

"I can't see Mark or Donghyuck yet," Renjun mumbles for himself.

"Me neither," Jaemin says.

But as the doors to the ship are about to close, two small males exit, one with newly colored ash hair and another with the same old familiar black hair. The tiniest of the two yell out something in rage but the other just shuts him up with a peck.

Jeno smiles.

Mark and Donghyuck scurry down the stairs and they soon blend in with the mass of people waiting to board the ship, so they loose the sight of them.

"I saw them," Jaehyun says. "Do they know you two are here?"

Jaemin shakes his head and answers. "No."

Renjun's phone starts beeping so he picks it up.

"Yah! Renjun, where are you!" Mark's voice beams through the device, so loud the other's can hear it. "There are so many people here! It's hard to even talk!"

"We're standing in the back! Up by the red container!" Renjun yells back.

"Uncle Mark!" little Jeno screeches.

"Okay, we're on our way!" Is the last thing they hear before the call declines and a silence falls. Jeno bursts out laughing.

"Why does he sound like an angry grandpa?" Jaemin giggles.

"Must come from the fact the he and Donghyuck are basically like an old married couple by now. They bicker all the time," Renjun tells them.

It isn't long before the short males appear from within the crowd. Little Jeno wriggles himself out of his dad's arms and runs up to the two who happily pull him into a tight group hug. They seem to not have acknowledged Jaemin and the big Jeno's presence yet, which causes everyone to grin like idiots.

"We missed you so much Jeno!" Donghyuck screams and pecks the little boy's forehead.

"I missed you guys too," the big Jeno mumbles and it's like every single noise in the world just fades. Donghyuck completely freezes, his gaze focused on the ground before him, and Mark slowly looks to where Jeno and Jaemin are standing.

"Hi," Jeno says as his eyes slowly start to water.

. * :.

Out in the middle of nothing, is a house made of tree.

"Do you remember what you said when I showed you this place?" Jaemin questions in a whisper as he continues to draw patterns and shapes onto Jeno's chest with his finger. The older amongst the two breaks into a little smile as he stares up into the roof of the treehouse. It's been a long time since Jaemin took him here, but everything still feels so vivid to him.

"Yes," he laughs. "I'm so sorry."

Jaemin fakes a sob and lifts his head to look into Jeno's eyes. "It really broke my heart," he mumbles.

"Best friends," the two then say in sync, bursting into laughter after.

"Yeah, you definitely misunderstood that one," Jaemin whispers and releases a sound of satisfaction as he lets his head fall back onto Jeno's chest.

°the actual end of snowflake °


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