love ends?

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°chapter four °

"So what's going on over there?" Jeno questions and takes a bite out of his bread.

Jaehyun swallows his. "Well, the citizens we don't have room for are getting taken and provided food, shelter and medical attention by The Scandinavian Assemble, which is some countries who went together before the whole deal went down. It's a long story," Jaehyun explains and stuffs his mouth with the last remaining of his bread like he hadn't eaten in days.

The two are currently sitting outside in the backyard, sun burning, just chatting. "Taeyong keeps sending officer teams out to look for his lost brother and his boyfriend," Jaehyun continues, and Jeno tenses for a moment. "My boss Jungkook is really mad because of that as he needs our teams to search parts of Korea for any survivors, not looking helplessly for two boys who ran away years ago."

"You're an officer?" Jeno questions, ignoring the fact that people had been looking for them all these years.

"Yes," Jaehyun smiles proudly. "I am the leader of team E," he pauses and then continues his talk on the new things that has happened throughout the years on Fort Bangtan. "We built a new school, and are currently expanding our northern side. We also upgraded our farm and factory area-"

"Who is that?!"

The two are interrupted by a frightened looking Jaemin that had just woken up, walked outside to find Jeno and was now met with the sight of a complete stranger sitting so close to him. He hadn't seen another human being other than Jeno so close in so many years.

"This is Jaehyun, my brother's boyfriend," Jeno introduces the latter proudly, receiving looks of disbelief from both.

"Jeno! Are you crazy?" Jaemin exclaims.

The name causes Jaehyun to freeze. "You two are Jeno and Jaemin!" he breathes out, standing up in a squatting position while pointing at them, his widened eyes switching back and fourth from the two. "How did I not realize before now?!"

Jaemin walks with heavy steps over to Jeno and drags him a little away by the collar. His eyes are fuming, so much tears are escaping occasionally. "Why have you brought someone here?! Let alone Taeyong's boyfriend or whatever the heck you say he is? He will tell everyone about out state!" Jaemin screams, trying his hardest to control the power he lets out, not wanting the stranger to hear him.

"He won't!" Jeno whisper-yells back, getting all riled up all of the sudden. "I have a plan Jaemin, Just listen-"

"No!" the younger interupts him. "We have kept ourselves secret for almost six years, Jeno! What makes you think you have the right to go behind my back and ruin it all like this?" Jaemin's expression shows nothing but absolute betrayal, and Jeno watches the way the latter's shoulders crumble together like a dying flower.

Why is Jaemin so damn selfish?! All these years Jeno's actions have been around Jaemin and Jaemin only. Jeno ran away from all his friends and the only family he has left, all for Jaemin's sake. He kept the urge to just run back into Taeyong's arms hidden, all for Jaemin's sake. And now, when he finally found a way to do a little for himself, yet still keeping Jaemin's safety in mind, the younger lashes out on him like this? Not even giving Jeno a chance to explain?

"I'm trying to get us back, Jaemin." he says. "Just listen to my plan-"

"What if I don't want to go back?!" Jaemin exclaims, and Jeno moves back in shock, having never heard Jaemin use his voice in such a way before. It only makes him even more mad than he already is.

Jeno grits his teeth. "You're so fucking selfish!" he yells, not even caring that Jaehyun is watching absolutely mindblown and confused. "If you don't want to go then stay! Maybe I should just go without you!"

Jaemin becomes furious, taking a step closer to Jeno. "Maybe I should've just never returned when I went to get my beanie at the treehouse back at Miryang!"

To say Jeno's face drops as the sentence leaves Jaemin's delicate lips is an understatement. Jeno spent a month miserable thinking Jaemin was dead back then, having finally realized that what he felt for Jaemin wasn't just a friendly feeling, and for Jaemin to say that, breaks his heart into literal pieces.

The younger inhales sharply. "Maybe I shouldn't even have went to investigate the weird noises coming from the white cube," he adds lowly.

. * :.

Jaemin had left to god knows where, regret and depression washing over him the moment he saw the way Jeno's hurt expression softened, giving him the most deadpanned look ever. The older hadn't said anything back, only bumped his shoulder against Jaemin's harshly as he walked past him and over to Jaehyun.

Jeno and Jaehyun are now sitting inside the house on a carpet in the living room, the candles all lit up around them.

Jaehyun is still utterly confused although Jeno has tried explaining the most to him. He is also partially concerned for the younger boy. The argument he witnessed seemed really bad, and Jeno just looks overall riled up.

"Are you sure you're okay-"

"I'm fine," Jeno grits.

"You two should talk about what happened today as fast as possible, though," Jaehyun tells him. "The longer you wait the harder it gets to actually do it."

Jeno eyes Jaehyun with annoyance. "And what do you know about it?"

"Taeyong and I once had a pretty bad argument," the older explains.

It causes Jeno to chuckle a little. "What are you and my brother even?" he asks.

Jaehyun's face starts heating up, his ears turning red in a second. "I don't know," he answers quietly. "I guess we're just each other's stress-relievers. You know, when we're feeling down we make each other feel good," Jaehyun explains, almost embarrassed by the topic.

"You really like him, don't even deny it," Jeno smirks.

Jaehyun sighs. "You're right, I really do," he admits. A silence falls and the tension caused by Jeno's anger seemed to have faded. "Tell me Jeno," Jaehyun breaks it. "What is it you want from me. I'm sure you didn't reveal all this for nothing."

Jeno smiles. "Can you do me a favor? As boyfriend to boyfriend's brother?"

It causes Jaehyun to glare at Jeno. "We still haven't figured out what we are yet," he says.

Jeno glares back. "Jaehyun."

"Sorry," the older mumbles. "A favor you say? It depends."

"I want you to help me figure out something," Jeno starts off. "I need to know what is gonna happen to us, more so Jaemin, if we return."

"And how am I supposed to figure that out?"

Jeno stands up. "Do you have a car?"

. * :.

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