Second Glimmer: Maze

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Second Glimmer: Maze
Their eyes locked. He stared at her, and she stared at him. Was it really him?

He seemed to know her, too, but he made no sign of speaking first. She was about to speak when his image started fading.

No voice came out from her mouth. His image had totally faded, and she could not do anything but utter soundless words.

He disappeared.

... completely.

I rubbed my temples.

There was it again.

That dream.

I had been having that dream since I was fourteen. Four years later, I was still dreaming about it.

It was vague, although I could remember each scene vividly.

The only thing I could not remember was his face.

I got out of bed and made an entry about that dream in my laptop. I kept records of my dreams ever since.

After typing an entry, an e-mail notification popped on my screen. I was surprised to see an e-mail from an anonymous sender.

Was it a bug? I could not trace the IP address. I frowned. Was it possible?

I contemplated whether to open the e-mail or not, but curiosity was killing me, so...

She disappeared before he could talk to her. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her how much he missed her. He had been searching... searching the world just to find her. And now that he did, he would never let her go.

But she disappeared. For an unknown reason, she disappeared.

And now he was searching for her again.

I blinked. What was that about?

It was Saturday, and I decided to hike in the mountain near my home and obtain my sense of momentum to finish the novel I was working on. The scenery would be perfect—no noise, no people, just me. And nature.

The mountain air welcomed me with its chilly embrace. After securing a nice spot, I pulled out my sketchbook instead of my laptop.

I browsed the pages of my sketchbook and frowned.

The guy in my dreams.

I had been sketching him for years now, and until now, I had yet to sketch his face. His face on my drawings had been blank because I could not picture it in my mind. Weird. And many times, I had wondered who he was.

I was about to start sketching when tiny liquid started pouring from the sky.

Oh, no.

Before I could put away my sketches, the rain poured.

And ruined my sketches.

I bit my lip. I could not even draw his face, and now the rain ruined the blank space where his face should be. I sighed and ran for the nearest tree.

I was drenched before I could reach it, and the rain was getting heavier by the minute. Despite my clear eyesight, I could not properly see where I was heading to. I bumped into a tree.
Or so I thought.


Somebody grunted. I fell on my bottom and dropped my things. Before I could process what was going on, somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me up. And the next thing I knew, I was running.

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