Third Glimmer: Melody

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Third Glimmer: Melody


I stared at the guy standing in front of the class. I could not tell if he was staring back at me or just at the area near my seat. I heard series of sighs from my female classmates. Even Luntian was looking dreamily at him.

"Is he a god from Mount Olympus?" I heard someone ask.

"He might be," I heard Luntian reply. "Right, Raya?"

I turned around to look at him. "Excuse me?" I mouthed irritably. "He isn't."

"Take a good look at him," he whispered.

"No, thanks," I muttered, opening my Social Studies book. "I don't need to."

"You do need to," he replied, "unless you won't look at him the whole time he's teaching."

I gritted my teeth and glanced at the guy in front. At that precise moment, he looked at me.

And was it my imagination or he really did smirk?

I narrowed my eyes. Was this guy supposed to be the new professor in Social Studies? I honestly did not feel good about it.

My thoughts were interrupted when he spoke again.

"The society is like a crystal glass filled with mysteries. The glass protects those mysteries, but there will come a time when somebody will be able to break that glass and cause all the mysteries to shatter."

He was looking directly at me as he said that.

I frowned.

What was that all about?


I sprinted until I finally reached him. He turned before I could say anything and stared at me with those deep, mysterious eyes.

His eyes seemed to pierce right into my soul. I took a step back.

Wait. Why did I step back? I should be moving forward.

I raised up my chin. "What are you doing here?"

He smirked. "Right now, I'm standing in front of you."

I gritted my teeth. "I mean, why are you here?"

"Because I teach here."

"You know what I mean."

"I don't."

No use talking to this guy about anything. I decided to give up, but before I could turn and walk away, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me all the way to the rooftop.


"Explain," I demanded.

He just stared at me before looking away. He headed to the railings of the rooftop and stared at the campus below.

"Seriously?" I started. "If you want to jump off the building, then do it alone."

He glared at me for a long time. "I'm not going anywhere," he snapped quietly, "not without her."


He stared at me again before speaking. "Assist me."

I raised an eyebrow. "On what?"

"I'm looking for a person, and I want you to assist me."

I crossed my arms. "Why should I?"

"Because it will be your final grade in my subject," he answered, smirking.

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