Eighth Glimmer: Mask

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Eighth Glimmer: Mask


“I won’t come,” I said, flipping through the pages of my book.

“I knew you would say that, so I came here prepared,” Luntian muttered smugly.

I ignored him. I knew he would blackmail me. I must not budge, I must not give in.

But when I saw what he was waving in front of me, I almost fell out of my chair.

“Those are—”

“The limited-edition book set of the saga you have been waiting for. Signed by the author herself, dedicated to Hiraya de Luna,” Luntian said smugly.

Oh, no.

“Fine, when is it?” I asked, sighing.


“Tonight? Luntian, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dress?” I snapped.

“I told you I came here prepared,” he said, pulling out a box from the huge paper bag he was holding.

I opened the box. It revealed a pink and black dress. “How did you know my size?”

“Well, I’m perfect,” he replied smugly.

“And my shoes?”

“Here they are,” he replied, handing me another box.

I sighed. “Is there still a way for me to back-out?”

“There is,” he said, “but no ball, no books.”

Oh, for the love of all those books…

“Fine, I’ll be there.”

“Good. Don’t be late. I want us to make a grand entrance.”

My eyes went wide. “What!? No way! You make the grand entrance, I’ll enter the back gate.”

“You do the entrance with me or no books,” he said smugly.

“I hate it when you do that,” I muttered.

“Do what?”

“Blackmail me.”

“Pish tosh. I want to show the world that we are stars. Shining, shimmering, splendid,” he said.

“No, thanks. I’d rather blend in the dark.”

“Spoken like a true star,” he said, nodded.

“Excuse me?”
“You’ll never see the stars unless it’s dark.”

I ignored him.

Speaking of stars…

There was a certain Star keeping quiet lately. After that midday, he seemed to be elsewhere. I would only see him during Social Studies class.

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