four. sunflower seeds

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          The Brewers team is nicer than I ever expected.  I knew they wouldn't be rude but they're really sweethearts to be honest.

          "So, what's it like being Scott Kingery's twin?" Christian suddenly asks.

          "He's my twin.  I came out two hours before he did and my other twin Sam," I say, pointing to him with raised brows.  "Yeah, I'm the good child, no problems when I was born.  Scott was the asshole that decided to stay inside our mother for two more hours.  I'm technically a day older because he was born at, like, one in the morning or something around there."

          "I think twins and triplets are so cool, not going to lie," Braun chuckles before stuffing his mouth with sunflower seeds. "I mean, that's crazy how inside a woman's body, two babies with almost identical DNA can be made. That's wild to think about."

          I nod, pursing my lips as my phones buzzes on my lap.

bryce harper
target acquired
coast is clear
going down to the field
in t-mins ten minutes

gracie lu who
agent harper is still fired
but thank you
come out of the clubhouse
last and tell me when he's
walking into the dugout

bryce harper
will do, chief
agent harper signing off

          I chuckle at Byrce's last message, tucking my phone in my pocket as I stand up. "It was nice meeting you guys. I'm going to go scare the shit out of my brother in their dugout," I say with a grin.

          "Record it, I want to see Scott shit himself," Christian smirks. I roll my eyes, walking towards the door. "It would be even funnier if you wore my jersey."

          I snort, shaking my head as I lean against the door. "You may be wearing my softball number form college, but blue isn't my color," I say with a smirk, pushing the door open.  "Nice hanging with you guys!"

"Nice meeting you, Ms. Broadway!" Orlando yells back, making me laugh before I jog into their dugout. I quickly make my way over to the Phillies dugout, grinning as I hide on the opposite side of the benches where the guys sit.

          My phone buzzes and it's another text from Bryce.

bryce harper
the others are coming out,
he's gonna be near the back
with me bc he's slow as shit

gracie lu who

          The guys start to file out, most of them smiling at me before I tell them to be quiet. They all understand, most likely with the help of Bryce when my brother was lost for those few minutes.

          I get my phone ready, a text from Bryce coming in on the screen saying Scott is coming out. I smile, hearing him laughing with one of the other guys. As soon as I know he's right by me, I jump out, yelling, "Hey twinnie!"

          He yells, jumping back before his eyes widen. "Gracie!" he yells, quickly picking me up in a tight hug. "Oh my god! I missed you so much!"

          "I missed you too, Scotty," I smile, hugging him tightly.

          "I'm so happy! Oh my god, how are you here right now? Don't you have a show?" he rambles, squishing my cheeks. He smiles, kissing my forehead.

          "Well, I got a week off to get my voice back to normal, but you may be looking at the next new serial killer in a movie," I say with a grin. His mouth falls open and he hugs me again.

          "You, little miss sweetheart, are going to be a serial killer?" Rhys Hoskins chuckles. I stick my tongue out at him as Scott let's me go.

          "I see it," Bryce nods.

          "By the way, Agent Harper is fired," I say with a frown. He pouts, shaking his head with his arms crossed. Scott raises a brow. "I told Harper to keep you in the clubhouse and he lost you not once, but twice. He tried to say he was a spy agent but he failed."

          "Miserably, apparently," Scott laughs, putting his arm around my shoulders.

          "God, it's like I'm seeing double. There are just two girls standing in front of me," Rhys jones, rubbing his eyes. Scott punches him on the arm, Rhys, Bryce and I all laughing.

          "Yeah, he's my twin," I grin, nudging him with my arm.  He rolls his eyes with a side smile, shaking his head.

"Grace Kingery, what a treat to see you again," Gabe Kapler chuckles as he walks into the dugout.

"Oh, the treat is all mine, Gabe," I smile.

amazing grace.  christian yelich   (book one)Where stories live. Discover now