thirty-five. you were right

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text messages

saving grace has made a
new group chat !

saving grace
you guys were right, congrats

my judge
what? what happened?

the fuck?? why did gracie
just say i was right?????

saving grace
christian and i are already
done. that girl that commented
on MY post of him, turns out
he's still in love with her.
he tried to say he loves me
more than her and all this other
shit so here i am in my trailer
sobbing uncontrollably

my judge
i'm killing him
i'm cracking his fucking
head open with a bat

shit, i'm sorry gracie
i'm not going to say i told
you so bc you really liked him.
i actually thought he was
gonna be the one for you

saving grace
me too. . .
it hurts so bad

my judge
i wish i could fly to
chicago for you, bbyg
i love you so much gracie 💓

saving grace
i miss new york,
i want to go home,
i want my family,
i want to feel whole

i love you so much
grace ):
god, i'm getting bryce to
kill him

saving grace
we were official 5 hours
and he admits to being
in love with another girl
i hope they end up together
and i end up having a shit
career bc that's what feels
like is going to happen

my judge
not gonna happen, you're
too amazing for that
one man isn't gonna do shit
to your career
he's not worth it

guess what, you got a lot
of success coming in the future
and imma find a good man
sam and matt are gonna help
too bc you deserve a man of gold

saving grace
what if i still want christian?

we'll help you get over him

saving grace
. . .
he made me so happy
why wasn't i enough?
why am i never enough?

my judge
gracie, believe me you are
more than anyone on this
earth deserves
you're literally the most
amazing woman i have
ever met and you are one
of the biggest blessings in
my life
that prick doesn't deserve
someone like you
you deserve to be treated
like a fucking queen and he
clearly couldn't do that, not
you're amazing, and i love
you gracie

saving grace
thank you aaron
i think i just need time,
to heal and all that
cliche bullshit

and we're going to be here
for you no matter what
just don't start drinking
or i'll punch you

saving grace
i won't, i promise
i love you guys so much

there will be another update
tonight for this book

and i've decided this will be
a two book series so i can
break my babies hearts more :)

amazing grace.  christian yelich   (book one)Where stories live. Discover now