twenty-two. advice not taken

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text messages

the judge
so, how was your date?

saving grace
so, you know that advice
you gave me?

the judge
you didn't . . .

saving grace
maybe just a little bit

the judge
you dumb whore

saving grace
hey, i haven't had good
dick in a really long time
and. . .
it was good

the judge
okay, i didn't need
to know that

saving grace
said the guy who called me
ten minutes after losing his
virginity to tell me about it

the judge

saving grace
bc we're best friends
and you low key asked for
this when you asked me
about the date
and it was really good
he kissed me and i pretty
much silently told him
i wanted dick

the judge
i can't with you
but at least he makes
you happy
and yes, i guess i
approve of you two 🙄

saving grace
we cute, don't deny it

the judge
a little

saving grace
i'll set you up with someone
cute, don't worry

the judge
i'm focusing on
baseball rn
i'm good with you being
the only crazy girl
in my life

saving grace
how rude
but i love you
and i'm driving to
chicago now

the judge
i love you too
drive safe and text me
when you can so i
know you're not dead

saving grace
of course 💓

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