twenty-one. moving time

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         Waking up to the sun in my eyes makes me groan. I roll over to my other side, grabbing a pillow to put it over my face.

          "Good morning, princess." I lift the pillow up, looking up at Christian who has a toothbrush hanging from his mouth with only his underwear on. "You going to throw up?" he teases with a side smile.

          "No. I want to bury myself in this bed," I grunt, hiding my face in the pillows. Christian chuckles and I hear him spit into the sink followed by water running.

          He ends up laying down next to me, pulling me against him to kiss my shoulder. "Our plane leaves at ten-thirty," he tells me.

          "Your plane," I correct him, burying my face against his chest. "Thank you for the offer, Yelich, but I'm driving down."

          "Come on, Grace. It's literally only a two hour drive if you come with me," he insists, his fingers running up and down my spine.

          "It means a lot, but I need my car," I yawn, wrapping my arms around his waist. "And I still need to say goodbye to my family."

          "And it's seven-thirty, you have plenty of time. Seriously, Grace, think about this logically. I think Scott could take care of your car until you figure something out."

          I groan, reaching up to cover his mouth with my hand. "It's too early for this," I groan. He laughs under my hand before licking my palm. "Christian!" I shriek, pulling my hand away with a look of disgust. He laughs, rolling onto his back as I sit up, wiping my wet palm on the sheets. "You're disgusting."

          "You still like me though," he grins as I slide off the bed, grabbing my bra and underwear from the floor to pull them on. "You should wear one of my shirts. An excuse for us to definitely have that second date."

          "And to think that was going to happen anyway," I say, pursing my lips as I turn to him. He chuckles, getting off the bed to walk over to his suitcase on the couch. He pulls out a sweatshirt to hand to me.

          "I know it's windy in Chicago so a sweatshirt should do the trick," he smiles as I take it. I quickly put it on, laughing at how big it is on me, flailing my arms around for the extra fabric to slap against my wrists. "Still cute," he chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Absolutely gorgeous, Rosie."

          "Not too bad yourself, Yelich," I smile before he kisses me. "Still not going on your plane, though." He rolls his eyes, pouting with puppy dog eyes. "Not happening, Christian. I'm driving."

          "Lame," he groans. "But you better text me when you stop. I need to know my girl is doing okay."

          "Your girl, huh?" I say with a smirk, putting my arms over his shoulders. "Has a nice ring to it." He smiles, kissing my forehead before we separate.

          "Let me get dressed and I'll walk you to your car." I pull my leggings and shoes on, dropping onto the bed to wait for him to finish getting ready.  I feel gross not having brushed my teeth or hair yet, but Christian doesn't seem to mind.

          My phone rings and I pick it up to see Scott calling me.  "Hello," I yawn.

          "Where the hell are you?  Please don't say what I'm thinking," he sighs heavily.

          "Then I'm not going to say it."  He groans loudly, making me sigh.  "I'm on my way to your place now.  Just don't get all dramatic that I stayed with Christian.  I big girl."

amazing grace.  christian yelich   (book one)Where stories live. Discover now