thirteen. baby daddy

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text messages

gorgeous grace
so, baby daddy?

christian yelich
hell no
we rarely had sex and it
wasn't near the end of
our shit show relationship

gorgeous grace
i figured, i just wanted to
get you started, lol

christian yelich
. . .

gorgeous grace
excuse me
i'm a skank, get it right

christian yelich
that makes me laugh
every time, ngl

gorgeous grace
makes me laugh too
but are you ready to get
your ass kicked in game
two today??

christian yelich
sorry? what? i suddenly
can't read bullshit

gorgeous grace
you did have a good hit
yesterday, ngl
but you're still going down

christian yelich
let's make a bet on
that, kingery

gorgeous grace
bet, yelich

christian yelich
aight, if we lose, which we
won't bc i'm amazing,
i'll wear a Phillies jersey
in public for a week
straight over all my

gorgeous grace
and a hat sideways so you
look like a nerd
and it has to be a kingery one

christian yelich
but if we win, which we
probably will, you go
on a date with me.
a real one

gorgeous grace
. . .
i leave in two days to
move to chicago

christian yelich
and i go back to milwaukee
in two days
i want that date, grace kingery

gorgeous grace
fine, it's a bet
can't wait to see you in
Phillies stuff all week (:

christian yelich
no, i'll pick you up at 8
tonight for our date

gorgeous grace
funny, yelich, real funny

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