1. The Ninth Human Falls

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First, allow me to explain the OC's I have in this story. They are all based on my friends and me, except for the reader, and Willard, who is just some jerk at my school. If you know me offline and you know who he represents, you'll know it's accurate.

Reader: the ninth human to fall. Age 14. Non-binary. Soul color is red-orange. Your POV.

Caveat: The first hybrid in the underground. Age 15. Male. Child of Sans and Storyshift Chara. Very overprotective of his friends. (Dats me. :P )

Neos: a ghostly skeleton in a robot body. Age 14. Male. Child of Papyrus and Mettaton. Chaotic good in a nutshell.

Carver: a human ghost. Age 15. Male. Child of classic Chara and the justice soul, adopted by Papyrus and MTT. Is completely dead inside from years of being picked on by Willard.

Melody Dreemur: the hybrid princess of the Underground. Age 15. Female. Child of Asriel Dreemur and Frisk. Quiet, but friendly. tends to procrastinate

Alitze Iris: Aspiring artist who inherited her parent's love of anime. Age 15. Female. Child of Undyne and Alphys. Always supportive of others.

Jaxlyn Iris: the best athlete in the underground. Always competitive. Age 15. Female. Twin sister of Allison. The sass is strong with this one.

Orchid Grillby: Always happy and optimistic. Age 14. Female. Child of Grillby and Muffet. Drawing and anime buddies with Allison.

Willard Scott III: Constantly seeking attention by trying to be annoying. Age 15. Male. Child of nice cream guy and Burgerpants. Screeches like a hawk to irritate people, especially Carver, but knows his way around technology.

Dimmen Blook: quite shy. Close friends with Carver. Age 15, Male. Child of Napstablook and Shyren.


Your POV

It was starting to rain. Taking refuge in a cave, I reflected on what I was doing.

Well, running, for a start. Running from everyone else.

A loud crash of thunder startled me, reminding me of the weather. I backed away from the mouth of the cave.

I felt my heel catching on something.

My stomach dropping as I began to fall.

I watched as the opening of the pit got smaller and smaller while I fell. I felt a wave of energy pass through me before I passed out mid-fall.


A strong floral smell hit me as I woke up. I sat up, bracing myself for any pain.

These yellow flowers must have broken my fall. Dusting myself off, I stood up. I looked for the hole I had fallen through. It was almost invisible, I had fallen so far. I saw a trowel laying on the ground near me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I wasn't alone down here. Picking up the gardening tool, I walked through an ornate doorway.

I stopped. Is... is that a flower with a face? It turned towards me, surprised.

It quickly burrowed through the ground to me. "Oh! A human! Are you okay?"

I looked at the little yellow flower. I rolled my eyes. "No, I fell down here and I must have hit my head because I'm talking to a flower."

The flower laughed lightly. "Sorry, you, uh, aren't imagining things." 

I looked at him dubiously.

"I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

I snickered. "Nice name."

Flowey looked down, embarrassed. "Being bad with names runs in my family."

A family? There were more talking flowers?

No, Flowey explained. "My monster family. You know, the human-monster war about a thousand years ago?"

I nodded. I had read a ton about the war. I knew about the monsters, but I didn't know this was the mountain they were sealed under.

"Speaking of the war, there might be some monsters down here who might want to hurt you, or might want to spar with you. You probably should learn to defend yourself." Flowey continued.

Everything around Flowey and I went dark.

Two small pellets appeared by him, one white and one green.

"Green magic will heal you, white magic hurts you. I'm going to send some green pellets at you, but still try to dodge them, okay?"

I spent about five minutes dodging the green attacks. Flowey seemed to really know what he was doing. I took yet another green pellet to the gut. A warmth spread over me. Flowey sighed.

"I think you understand the basics. You can-"

"Flowey? Are you talking to someone?" A shadowy figure emerged from the hallway ahead.

I froze. A monster.

She was wearing a purple robe with a strange symbol on the front. Her eyes glinted red, but there was a kindness to them. She walked over, supported by a cane.

"Hello human, I am Toriel. I can guide you through the ruins."

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