4. cold and colorless

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play for more feels. credit to Manic Pixel for the music.

3rd Person POV

Caveat teleported straight to the lab. Looking at the employee tracker on the wall, he saw his dad and Dr. Alphys were on the top floor.

The area around him went dark. Across all of the underground, all light vanished for a moment. He reappeared upstairs from where he was.

All the residents of the kingdom simply thought they had blinked.

He yelled over to his father, who was carrying components for some machine.

"Dad! A monster was attacked by some sort of creature! I stopped the thing from hurting anyone, but it had a message for you." He said.

Sans set down the parts and looked at him, concerned. "Well?"

The teenage hybrid cleared his throat. "The man behind the grey door will return. What does-"

Sans' eye lights went dark. He turned to Alphys, who was on a platform above them.

"Alphys! We have a Code Black! Cancel all tests!"

Alphys paled. "S-Sans! You sh-shouldn't joke about things like th-that!" She stammered.

"Alphys, I'm the last person who would joke about this! According to Caveat, a monster was just attacked by a follower!"

Caveat spoke up. "A human was there, too. I think they were trying to protect Ice Cap."

Sans sighed. "A ninth human has fallen? It just gets worse."

"Dad, who were they talking about?"

"My father."

"But I thought you said he helped you. That he was a good-"

"I'm not talking about G. Well, not exactly. I should... start from the beginning.

It all started when your grandmother fell down. I was only around your age at the time.

After she passed from age, G became obsessed with the idea of resetting time, to save her at first, then to go back to before the war.

He started looking into the void, the source of all magic. He theorized that by putting his soul in the void, he could unlock the ability to reset, or at the very least obtain immortality.

G was a genius. Anyone else's efforts would have failed. He created a well into the void and extracted his own soul. He tried to leave his soul in the void, but it tried to pull his physical form in with it.

We... tried to save him, but it was too late. Physical matter doesn't do well in the void.

When we got him out, he'd been separated into two entities. G, the soul, in the void,

And Gaster, his physical form. His body was damaged from the incident. Some of the other researchers, who were completely devoted to him, gave their souls to him to keep him stable.

They became soulless puppets for him, becoming cold and colorless.

Gaster couldn't feel anything either. It turns out, magic and soul energy are very separate things. He was a conduit for the magic in the void, but he'd become cut off from his soul. Asgore, feeling that Gaster was a threat, called for some of the remaining scientists to make a weapon to stop him.

We tried, but he had become impervious to magic. Asgore personally tried to fight him, chasing him to Waterfall. Gaster hid behind a grey door, which led to his second lab. Asgore tried to open the door, but...

The door didn't lead to anything but the cavern wall.

I talked to someone after the incident, but they had no idea who I was talking about. The only three who remembered him were the ones who saw him enter the door. Asgore, Alphys, and me.

We destroyed the door and wiped the records of the followers from the systems, finding they too had disappeared.

If a follower has appeared saying Gaster's returning, then we are in huge danger.

More specifically, the human you met is in danger. You have to protect them.

If Gaster gets the human souls, we're all dust."

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