Tom's P.O.V
The last thing I remember is waking up to the smell of Tord's heat. I stared at him for a minute and felt my cheeks cool down, to only warm up again to my light red blushing. I watched as Tord's face turn a really dark pink. I couldn't really tell if it was his heat or if he was blushing. Either way, it was cute."Your on heat.. aren't you?" I asked smiling more. "N-NO! " He said nervously. "You need help? " I asked sniffing the air gently. He got quiet so I calmed down. I looked down at him, since he was sitting on the floor. I made my way down to sit in front of him to stare at his beautiful gaze. I kissed him and slowly passed his jawline going onto his neck nibbling softly at his sweet spots. I put my hands around his waist and he put his hands around my neck moaning softly. "Ahhh~ T-Tom.." He moaned, tighting his grip around my neck. I knew I hit his sweet spot when he gasped for air and put one of his hands on the back of my head. "R-Right there!" He said trying not to yell. I pulled out of the make out session and made mine and Tord's foreheads touch. "No word could describe or explain how much I want you.." Tord said quietly while he fetched his back pocket for something. "We might need this.." He said handing me a dark blue condom. I laughed a bit at his serious face because of how adorable it was.
"We should head to your room.."
"I have a better idea..."
"Well? What is your better idea?"
"Let's head to the shower instead.."
"You know..."
"Hmm.. I don't recall.."
Tord facepalmed. "Thomas don't make me say it.." He said pulling his hand away from his face. "Why don't you just show me when we get up there?~" I asked seductively tracing my hand up and down his side. "We'll see..~" He said grabbing my hands and putting them around his thighs. I picked him up and kissed him deeply. He put his hands on my cheeks and pushed himself deeper into the kiss. Tord put his hands down the back of my hoodie and it made me shiver. He pulled out of the kiss and smirked, sweating more. "T-Tom... I l-love you s-so much.." He said making our foreheads meet. I put him down and he moaned. "T-Tommyyyy~ P-Pick me b-back uppp.." He whined clinging onto my hoodie. "Mommy, Daddy wut u doin?" Tami asked as I turned around and Tord looked at Tami. "O-Oh! Ehh n-nothing Tami!" Tord said smiling nervously and walking back a bit. "Wut ish tat smeel?" She asked walking up to me and Tord. She walked to Tord and sniffed him. "Mommy, y do u smeel lik cakie?" She asked pulling herself away from Tord. "Y-You umm should go to bed! Mommy and Daddy have things to do!" I said pulling Tord back into my arms.
Tami's P.O.V
Mommy and Daddy were acting strangely again. Mommy smelled really sweet. He was sweating like crazy. Daddy told me to go to bed because they said they have stuff to do. Mommy was acting like a baby, he kept trying to get Daddy to hold him. "Sweetie please go back to bed.." Daddy said again but this time more seriously. "But why?!" I yelled actually saying it right."Don't make me ask again!" Daddy yelled raising his voice at me slowly. Mommy kept clinging to Daddy's hoodie and he wouldn't let go. "P-Please.. S-Sweetie go back t-to b-bed.." Mommy said looking at me with some weird look in his eyes. He looked like he could kill you and would look completely innocent. Mommy looked sad too, like he was in pain. "Okey.." I said starting my way back upstairs. I looked back at Mommy and Daddy. Mommy didn't hesitate to kiss Daddy. It was weird looking so I walked into Daddy's room and shut the door. "Oh hey ugly!" I said turning around and looking at Tori. I walked over to her and looked into her crib. "Dang, you look uglier than a wrinkley old man." I said looking at her perfect face. 'How the Hell is she prettier than me?!' I thought practly screaming mentally. I turned around as I heard heavy breathing and footsteps running to the bathroom and the door slam.
Tord's P.O.V
I grabbed Tom's hand and sprinted up the stairs into the bathroom. He pinned me to the wall and put his knee in between my legs. We made out for a bit. We explored each other's mouths carefully with our tongues. He pulled back panting and he started to undress me. After, he undressed himself and slid the condom on. "L-Lets j-just hope the c-condom doesn't b-break..." I said smirking as Tom turned the water on. We both got in the shower and the water immediately started pounding on us. Tom's hair flopped back and so did mine, since the water washed our hair gel out. He laughed as my horns flopped over. I elbowed him as he started to quiet down. "T-Tom l-lets just get this o-over with." I said as I embraced him into a rough kiss. He lifted me up leaning against the wall he put his arms around my thighs and let my arms fall to my sides. It was a wonderful feeling. Tom and me in the shower together? Huh that's new.. I still couldn't believe that we were enemies practly our whole lives, and now us kissing and having kids together.. It's kind of ridiculous if you ask me. I've always had a crush on him but never had the chance to tell him, that's why I'm always trying to avoid him or read gay hentai without him knowing. I barely even got any sleep because I was always thinking of him. Now since all this had happened I wonder where time has gone. Tami's 3 and Tori's about 3 weeks old. I've lost about 50 pounds after Tori was born and I'm still loosing weight easily. After snapping back into reality I heard Tom calling my name. "Tord? Tord! Answer me! Are you ok?" Tom asked looking worried the water was still on and Tom was still holding me against the wall. I nodded quickly as told him to push in. He smiled worredly and pushed in making me moan loudly. "Tom, Tord? Are you guy's ok?" A voice asked from outside the door. It was Edd, Matt calls us Tim and Todd and GOD it gets annoying. "Umm yeah! Everything's fine, I'm just getting a piece of gum out of his hair!" Tom said putting his finger over my lips. "I know the perfect solution for that! I'll help!" Edd said as I saw the doorknob move. "H-He almost h-has it out! W-We don't need h-help!" I said talking under Tom's finger. "Tord, you don't sound ok.. I really think I should help." He said leaning against the door. "No I'm fine! H-He just pulled m-my hair!" I said feeling Tom thrust slowly. "Yeah, we're fine!" Tom said starting to go a bit faster. "Oh..Ok then." Edd said walking away. As soon as we heard a door shut Tom started pounding into me. "Gah!~ T-Tommyyyy not so h-hard!" I moaned quietly. "You wanna get rid of your heat this time or what?" Tom asked stopping. "Y-Yeah, but why'd you have to stop?" I asked smirking. He soon started pounding into me, it took a while for the smell to go away. By the time we were done the water was cold. Tom had to carry me out since my butt hurt. He gently wrapped the towel around me and he wrapped his around his waist. He carried me to his room where Tami and Tori should have been. Tom opened the door and saw Tami holding a gun to Tori's head. "M-Mommy uhh Daddy! H-Hi!" She said nervously, putting the gun behind her back. I looked over and saw Tori crying. Tom put me on the bed carefully and ran over to Tami and Tori. "Tami give me the damn gun! Your 4 years old, you don't need it!" Tom said holding out his hand. Tami put the gun in Tom's hand and ran out crying. Tom threw the gun aside and picked up Tori kissing her face constantly. He rocked and shushed her and she fell asleep. He has the magic touch alright. He placed her back in the crib and walked over to the bed and threw his hoodie at me. I took off my towel and put it on I smelled it and it smelled like alcohol. My hoodie was besides me so I threw it at Tom who's towel fell down when he caught it. We both laughed as he put it on. He threw himself onto the bed gently trying not to hurt me. He snuggled with me and we fell asleep.
(1557 words, Damnnnnn daniellll ( oh god thats old lol))
(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞🎁) ゚д゚ )

"Do You love me now?" (A alpha/omega TomTord story)
FanfictionHi! Welcome to my first ever book written on Wattpad! I heard that a lot of people love TomTord so I said fuck it! I'm also currently working on a 'Bakugou X Fem! Reader' story right now! So anyways, I hope you enjoys this shitty book! (This was all...