Tom's P.O.V
I heard Tord moaning softly while I moved my hand up and down his back. "Your on heat again? I'll help you tomorrow if you want me too..." I said moving my thumb over his cheek. He shivered and kept close to me. "P-Please do, T-Tommy..." Tord whispered. " I'll head to the store in the morning and get some scent blockers.." I said looking in to his eyes. He smiled weakly and cuddled into my chest. I could feel the sweat beating off his face.
~In da morning~
Tord's P.O.V
I woke up with Tami laying beside me instead of Tom. She was curled up like a napping cat. I heard the hotel door open so I looked over. I saw Tom walk over and sit a bag on the coffee table. I sat up and he walked over to me. He got me out from underneath the covers and picked me up bridal style. He pulled out a chair and sat me down onto it. He grabbed a few scent blockers out of the bag and handed them to me. "You can go put this on then you can go back to bed, ok?" He said/asked. I nodded and walked to the bathroom. Pulled down my shorts and boxers and put it on. I pulled them back up and went to go lay in bed. I covered myself back up and I pulled Tami close to me. She smiled in her sleep and Tom hopped back into bed. He got on his phone for a second and sighed. I looked at him in confusion. "What's wrong Tom?" I asked grabbing his arm. He put his phone down and looked at me, annoyingly. "What makes you think I would tell you?" He said, while his eyes were half lidded. "Because I care about you and I want to see if I could do something about it..." I said rubbing Tami's hair. "Nothing is wrong anyways.." Tom said turning the opposite direction. I looked at the time and It was 4:46 in the morning. A few seconds later I heard snoring beside me. I also heard sniffling. I looked down at Tami and she was crying. I lightly shook her and her eyes fluttered open. Tears were streaming down her light pink cheeks. "M-Mommy, I'm s-scared.." She said pulling her hands to her face. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest. I kept shushing her as her crying went down a bit. She was shaking in tears while I kept her close.
~A few hours later~
Tom's P.O.V
I was EXTREMELY pissed off.. Even Tord noticed that. I looked over at Tami and Tord. Tord had Tami in his arms and her hair was sloppy. I looked up above them and saw a hooded figure in the doorway... I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. "Wake up Tommy..." They said and I heard the floor creaking. "You need to wake up, I'm getting worried." They said with a... Norwegian accent? "THOMAS WAKE UP!" They yelled sending me back into reality. My upper body flew up into the air. "Thank god your awake! You were shaking the bed and it woke me up..." Tord said wrapping me into a hug. Tord pulled back as I just stared at the doorway quietly. "Tom?" He asked poking my cheek. I felt tears running down my face as Tord, Matt, and Edd looked at me nervously. Tord pulled me into another hug while I just sobbed the whole time. I held him tight, not wanting to let go. "Tom, we should get going so we can do you know what at home alone in my room." Tord said that instantly made me stop crying and smirk. I pulled back and chuckled. "Someone really wants me, Eh?" Tord said laughing, I laughed too. "So.. You guys said something about leaving early today?" Edd asked tilting his head. "Oh, yeah..." I said scratching the back of my neck. "You guys can go ahead, we have to get some stuff." Edd said looking at Matt. Tord got up and so did I. He went to the bathroom and I smelled his heat. "Oh.. so you and Tord are heading home, because he's in heat.." Edd said again making a 'Oh' with his mouth. I nodded and Tord walked out of the bathroom. "T-Tom.. I uhh need you for a second..." He said sticking his head out the bathroom door. I got up and ran over to him. I walked into the bathroom and blinked. Right when I blinked I felt something hard smack against me. I stumbled backwards and almost fell over. I grabbed the sink to stop myself. I heard soft sobbing as I wrapped my arms around Tord. "T-Tommy, It hurts.." He said, as he was moaning softly while cuddling into my chest.
"You wanna get some clothes on and get the hell out of here?"
"Y-Yeah... I would like t-that.."
"Ok, I'll be back.."
I walked out and grabbed Tord's suitcase and got some clothes. I just got his hoodie and his dark gray pants. I quickly walked back into the bathroom and handed Tord his clothes. I walked back out and let him change. I woke Tami and Tori up. Tami wanted to be picked up because she looked like she had been crying. I picked her up and she kept sobbing. I rocked her slowly and she looked at me. "D-Daddy.." She said grabbing onto me. "Shh.. it'll be ok, sweetheart.." I said kissing her forehead. She nodded and Tord walked out of the bathroom. He grabbed his suitcase and started at the door. "Hey, where do you think your going with that?" Edd asked. "T-To the d-door?" Tord answered. "Nope! We're taking the suitcases! With my mirror too.." Matt said grabbing Edd and his suitcases. Tord nodded and walked back over to them and dropping his case. "I-I could call f-for a l-limo.." He said picking up his phone, almost dropping it. I took it out of his hands and went through his contacts to Patryck. I clicked on it and put it up to my ear. It rung one time before picking up.
"Hey boss."
"It's Tom, Tord's on heat and we need immediate transportation."
"Oh, Hey Tom. I'll have Paul bring the limo over in about twenty minutes."
"Twenty? Aren't you guys in Norway?"
"I am, Paul was visiting his 'family'.."
"He's on his way."
"Ok, thanks a lot Pat."
"No problem! Anything for you guys, and tell Tord I said hey."
"We'll do."
I put Tord's phone in his back pocket and he covered his mouth. Welp, I forgot he was sensitive. "Sorry Tord.." I said quickly taking my had away from him. "I-It's f-fine.."
Yeet Yeet Skeet Skeet! *Yeets myself out the school window. "I wanna DIEEEEEEEE! OoF"

"Do You love me now?" (A alpha/omega TomTord story)
FanfictionHi! Welcome to my first ever book written on Wattpad! I heard that a lot of people love TomTord so I said fuck it! I'm also currently working on a 'Bakugou X Fem! Reader' story right now! So anyways, I hope you enjoys this shitty book! (This was all...