Lover's Quarrel - Kim Yugyeom (end)

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#video is not mine but you should hear it while reading this story 👍🏻

You were in class staring blankly at Yugyeom seat, The guys notice your behavior and ask you if you're fine. You look at them with those puffy eyes of yours surprised the guys especially Jackson.

"Y/n!? Waegeura? What happen to you?" Jackson cupped your face in concern.
"Gege...I'm fine it's just that ...there's a lot of dust that's why" You point at your eyes then remove Jackson's hands.
" but you looked like you just cried?" Jinyoung move closer towards your face.
"Gwenchana... You guys don't have to worry to much about me.." You ensure them but deep down you aren't fine.
" btw guys.. Did you see Yugyeom anyway?" BamBam ask.
" now that you ask... I saw him talking with a girl a while ago" Jaebum said trying to remembering the scene.

Your eyes widen, without your notice you quickly stand up and leave them because it's hurt for you to remember what you heard. On your way to the toilet, you bumped into someone and that someone was Yugyeom. You two locked eyes but he was surprised to see your eyes was red and puffy like you just cried. Yugyeom hold both of your shoulder and bend down to match your height.

"Y/n what happen? Did someone hurt you? " Yugyeom stare at your face.
"Nothing happen....I have to go to the toilet..." You look away to avoid his stare then walk away.

You wash your face and try to compose yourself. You went out but to your surprised Yugyeom was there waiting for you. He walk toward you and lean you his handkerchief.

"Here..use need it" Yugyeom hand you his handkerchief.
"Go...gomawo" you shutter and took his handkerchief.
"No problem...lets go now..class is starting" Yugyeom rub the back of his neck.

You nodded and both of you walked to your classroom but why do it feel so awkward. You try to let out a word but couldn't... You want to ask what is his and the girl relationship but isn't brave enough.

It's was the end of school but today isn't like always. Yugyeom said that he have something to do and couldn't walk home together with you and the other guys. After he left you try to find an excuse to your brother and friend so that you can tail him. You manage to convince them but lost track of Yugyeom. You ruffle your hair and try to follow the road you last seen him. You obverse every store but Yugyeom was no where to be seen, you sigh and wanted to give up but notice a tall guy with puffy hair. Yugyeom!! You finally found him at the convenience store?

You try to spy on him and notice that he is wearing the store vest. He work here?! You were surprised that Yugyeom even work! You try to come out a plan to get close to him but couldn't think of any. You sigh and decided to observe his every move to find any clue on his conversation with the girl.

As time past by... You were getting tired by standing for hours but still no clue until the girl come by at the convenience store. You quietly went in and try to ears drop their conversation once more that fully catch your attention.

"Yugyeom! Gomawo! You really are the best" the girl cheerfully praise him.
"It's no big deal...I already told you I will take responsible on it...btw what did your parents said?" Yugyeom showing her a smile.
"They were happy and will get it to it quickly!" The girl cheer.
" woah~ that's really is a good news~" Yugyeom rub the back of his neck.
" then how about we..."

Before the girl could finish her sentence, you jump into conclusion and stand infront of Yugyeom. He was surprised to see you there, you spread your arms in front of the girl while sending her glare.

"No stop !!! You can't!! You can't get married to him!! He's mine! " you claim Yugyeom as yours that make Yugyeom blush into bright red.
"Y/n what what?!" Yugyeom blush brightly while the girl was puzzled.
" Yugyeom is mine and.... And how do you even know it's his?? Even...eventho I don't approve of this marriage!" Y/n exclaimed.

The girl laugh like there's was no tomorrow, you stare at her strangely and notice that Yugyeom trying to hide his red face from you. Your mind come back into reality and notice what you just have said a moment ago. You turn into a mess of blush and cover your face...thanks goodness the store didn't have people at the time.

"Hahaha... Let us solve this misunderstood... Me and Yugyeom aren't in that special relationship ...we are just friend and I'm not pregnant don't you worry... And the rest, Yugyeom should explain hmm Kim Yugyeom?" The girl wiggle her eyebrow at him signaling him to tell you the truth.
"Ahh...yea...ermmm y/n could you wait for me infront of the store and I will get back to you" Yugyeom still avoiding your gaze.

You quickly step aside and waited outside, you slap you cheek for being so stupid to jump into conclusion like that. Yugyeom step out and hand you a warm drink since the weather is quite cold. You gratefully accept it and the two of you continue walk home. You tightly hold the drink to build up the courage to ask him the question that you always wanted to ask him.

"Yugyeom... About awhile ago...I...arghh!! Why is this so hard?!" You ruffle you hair and squat down, cupping your face.
"Y/n ...." Yugyeom called out for name but you show him your hand to stop  him to talk.
"Wait before you say anything...let me ask you... What do you mean by you will take responsible awhile ago? " you lock eyes with Yugyeom waiting for his answer.
"I ask her to cover me the other day that I didn't got to go to friend you go shopping the other day...and if you still have doubt about my and her relationship...don't be..we are just friend.." Yugyeom telling you the truth.
"But what about the part where you ask about her parents?? And she said that their happy about it and said they will get to it??" You observe his behavior to notice he was trying to avoid the question.
" it's let's go home...before Jackson kill me for bringing you home late." Yugyeom reach for your hand but you pull it away.
"Answer it..." You taking a step back from him.
" fine... Her parents run a jewelry store and I asked for then to make a ....coup....couple ring for us with.... The old ring my mom gave me..." Yugyeom change his direction of view, hiding his blush face with one of his hand.

You were surprised to hear that coming out from him. Tears form in your eyes, Yugyeom notice it and quickly went over it and wipe your tears away. He cupped you face, running his thumb on your cheek to wipe away those tears of yours.

" hey...why are you crying...don't cry hmm? I'm sorry if I said something " Yugyeom trying to calm you down.
" Didn't *sniff sniff* I'm just touch by your action... I just feel bad about the other day I said about you... I didn't mean it's just that I..." You burst in tears remembering the word you said to him.
"Shh~ it's fine I get it... You don't have to cry about it...I forgive you..." Yugyeom pull you into a hug and caress your head.

You both stayed in that position until you have calm down. Yugyeom push back strain of your hair, he caress your cheek while looking you in the eyes. He chuckle that me you question him.
"Wae? Is there something on my face?" You ask, frowning.
" nothing it's just that... I never knew we have mutual feeling for each other" Yugyeom said that make you blush.
"It''s not like I want just happen ok?! I just can't control my feeling..." You look at your side trying to hide the embarrassment.
" well Jinyoung was right about something..." Yugyeom held your chin to make you face him.
"A.... About what?" You shutter.
" that we are like an old couple..." Yugyeom grin.
" wait ... Are we a couple and me  together??" You ask innocently.
" do this answer your curiousity?"

Yugyeom pull you into a kiss and sparks fly all over around you. You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck to deepening yours kiss.

Done with Lover's quarrel ~~ will be doing other members story later~
Stay tuned for it ~

Done with Lover's quarrel ~~ will be doing other members story later~Stay tuned for it ~

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