Drunk - Park Jinyoung

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It was already late at night and you were waiting for your husband to get home but still no sight of him. You called him a lot of time and even leave a voice mail. You call his manager about his whereabouts but he too thought that Jinyoung had already arrive home. You got worried about him and thoughts was running around your mind about Jinyoung. You were scared if he is ok or not cause it's been 3 hours since he finished his schedule for today.

You decided to go search for him, when you were about to put on your cardigan, the door suddenly opened. You ran toward your door and saw it was Jinyoung who seem to be drunk. You click your tongue to get his attention and gave him a frustrated glare.
"Jagi!~~~~" Jinyoung coo and embrace you into a hug.
"You reek of alcohol! Where have you been? It's been almost 4 hours you finished your schedule for today and now it's already 1 in the morning!" You said, frustrated but yet worried.
"Aigoo~ is my Jagi worried about me?" Jinyoung perking his lip at you.
"Yes I am but now I'm angry at you! Where have you been?! I called you multiple time but you didn't answer my call neither my texts!" You rage.
"Ah? Jagi called me? Aww you must have miss me~" Jinyoung pinch you cheek.
"I was worried! Now answer my question where have you been Jinyoung? " you put Jinyoung's hand away.
"I met with guys and had a little drink with them " Jinyoung giggle and wrap his arms around you.

You sigh frustratedly, break the hug and glare at Jinyoung.
"You should have told me that you where going to meet with guys! You gave me anxiety awhile ago" you said, cross your arms.
"Mian Jagi" Jinyoung pout, staring at you with his sad look.
"Your sorry face won't cut it!" You state sternly.
"Aww...pwease forgwive me" Jinyoung cutely said.

You were in disbelief with Jinyoung's cute behavior...cause he rarely do that and this is actually your first time to encounter his cute behavior when he's drunk.
"I will forgive you if you say that again?" You pull out your phone to record him doing it again.
"Ahh~ I'm shyshyshy..." Jinyoung cute do twice's shyshyshy part and cute nudge your shoulder.
"Ahh...please for me?" You bait him to do it again and it work!

Jinyoung did it again and you got it on tape. You raise your eyebrow satisfied with it and look back at Jinyoung who is was still drunk.
"Come on..lets put you to bed" you wrap his arm around your shoulder to support him to the bathroom.
"Noooooo~ I don't wanna to sweep....I want to play more" Jinyoung cutely whine.
"We will play later after I clean you up ok?" You said and Jinyoung cutely agreed.

You help cleaning his face and ask him to brush his teeth.
"Ahh...it's so cold..y/n ahh...it's cold" Jinyoung hug you.
"Ahh Mian..I forgot to adjust the temperature..here it's warm now let's clean your face..hmm?" You hum for his approval.
Jinyoung nodded and bend down to the sink as you clean his face then gave him his toothbrush for his to brush his teeth.
"Finwish" Jinyoung said after rinse his mouth.
"Aigoo~~ good boy..now let's go to bed hm?" You ask after drying his face with a towel.
"But...you said we will play first?" Jinyoung pout.
"We will play after we reach at our bedroom ok nyeonggie ~"
you pull him to your shared bedroom and then put him on the bed. When you were about to stand up to turn the plight off, Jinyoung pull you to his lap. You sat at his lap and made eye contact with him.
"Jinyoung..what's the matter?" You ask, putting both of your hand on his shoulders.
"Don't leave me alone" Jinyoung putting his face under your neck, wrapping his arm around you.
"What make you think that? I won't leave you..I just wanted to go put the lights off so that we get to sleep comfortably." You brush his hair with your fingers.
"You promise me you won't leave me y/n ah?" Jinyoung look into your eyes with his sad face.
"Ofcourse I will always stay by your side Park Jinyoung..come on let me go so that I can go turn the light off?" You smile at him.
"Arraseo" he let go of his wrap around you.

After you turn the lights off, you straight away went to bed beside him. Jinyoung lay down beside you too and wrap his arm around your waist to pull you closer to his embrace.
"Jalja Jagi~" Jinyoung softly wish you.
"Hmm..jalja nyeonggie ~" you cover your face under his chest and soon fell to slumber.

The next morning, Jinyoung woke up with a slight headache. He saw beside him and you weren't there, meaning that you already had go to work. He stand up and walk to the kitchen only to see that you had already prepared him breakfast to cure his hangover and a note from you.
'I made breakfast for you...just heat it up in the microwave and don't forget to clean to house..love you PJY❤️'

Jinyoung was touch by your sweet gesture and ate his breakfast that you made and also clean the house just like how you ask him to. Soon after, Jinyoung lay down on the couch, staring at the clock waiting for your to finish your work and spend the rest of the time with you. He busy himself by playing with his phone and watching tv. The door opened, Jinyoung quickly ran to the door to greet you coming back from work.

"Y/n~~your home" he sweetly call out for your name.
"Annyeong~have you ate? And clean the house for me?" You walk toward him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"I did all of they already~" Jinyoung said, follow you from behide.
"Woah~ it's clean..I'm proud of you Park Jinyoung " you gave him a thumb up.
"Well..i am park Jinyoung " Jinyoung proudly praise himself.
"Arra..arra..I will go clean myself up" you shook your head and giggle at his behavior.

After you clean yourself, you saw Jinyoung was sitting down on the couch while watching tv. You then suddenly remember the video of him acting all cute last night. So you decided to tease him with it.
"Nyeonggie ~ I got something to show you" you sat beside him.
"Mwoya?" Jinyoung look at you, clueless.
"Well just something...will you believe me if I say that I can make your face red as a tomato?" You grin.
"You wish...I don't easily blush y/n" Jinyoung stuck his tongue at you.
"If you say so..how about we make a bet then..if what I say is true ...I get to makeup you like a girl and you have to wear one of my dress" you grin, raising an eyebrow
"And if you failed to make me blush... You have to do a silly dance and upload it in your sns and don't forget to tag me" Jinyoung smirk.
"Call! " you and him handshake on the bet.
"So..what's the thing that you will show me ?" Jinyoung ask.
"Something that will make me win this bet~" you smile and show him the video.

Jinyoung straight away turn bright red as a tomato so you quickly took a picture of it so that you have prove.
"Yah! That's not fair! You use me against me..what that doesn't make sense but still" Jinyoung pout.
"Aigoo~~but a bet still a bet..you blush! And I have prove so be ready~ i will go pick a dress and make up you now" you happily hop to your bedroom to get the things.

After you done dress him up and makeup him, you took a picture of him and he voluntary pose for the camera.
"Hahahahaha oh my god! This is too hilarious !" You hold on your stomach, laughing out load.
"Does this a use you that much? Until your laughing while rolling on the floor?" Jinyoung scoff in disbelief.

You nodded and still laughing out loud, but little did you know Jinyoung pin on top of you.
"What are you doing?" You ask him but Still laughing.
"If I do this will you stop laughing?" Jinyoung said.
"What is it?" You tilt your head.

Jinyoung kiss you, you were surprised for a few second but soon gave in to the kiss.
"Never knew that I will kiss a girl in my whole life" you chuckle.
"Wow...I never feel so humiliated in my whole life" Jinyoung gasp.
"Hahaha...shut and kiss me again" you seductively look at his eyes and then at his lip.
"Don't mind if I do princess~" he grin and kiss you again.

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