Nobody Knows - Choi Youngjae

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#this story will be angst... Listen to Youngjae's song 'Nobody Know' while reading this.
-Italian word will be a flashback
-normal is the present

"Ya..ya...I feel pity for him...have you heard?" An ajumma whisper to her friend.
"Yeah..I heard about it...I can't believe it... that happen to them..." An ajumma reply.
" I heard they have a fight after this happen...aigoo...poor thing" an another ajumma whisper.
"He must have regret it...omoo..I really feel sorry for them.." An ajumma reply her friend.

Even though the ajumma is whispering to each other, Youngjae can still hear what they were talking about. He gaze at the alter, as he observe your picture frame display between all the beautiful flowers. A tear escaped from his eye, he haven't stop mourning over your death that he cause. He regret it since the day you pass away and left him behind without you. When the time he have to carry your coffin is the time where all his emotion let loose, he cried non-stop. All your relatives, friends, family left after your burial but Youngjae didn't...he stayed to say his last 'I love you' to you. 

>10 year later<
Youngjae been  living the life he ever wanted, he have achieve his dream as a singer in a group called GOT7. He got 7 close friend that he can trust and lean on, bought himself a dream house, save a lot of money, have an expensive car of his own it's all everything he ever wanted but something was missing from his life. Someone who was dear to him, you were no longer there for see how successful he was, how he have achieve his dream living in a big house but no one to live with.

Youngjae sat on his porch alongside with his dog, coco. He stare at the night sky, observing every star there is since that was your favourite hobby to do while you were still alive. Youngjae sigh deeply as he remember the sweet memory of you two. Every night, Youngjae would sneak in you room and talk all night and stare at the star for hours since your dream was to become an astronaut well use to. He change his direction towards his finger, he stare at his ring finger and his pinky since he was wearing both of yours couple ring. He remove your ring from his pinky to see his name was crave on it.

Youngjae smile from remember the memory where you both crave your couple ring.

"Youngjae !!! Come on palli~ before we miss our bus" you signaling him to be faster.
"I'm coming..argh... Why do we have to go there so early in the morning?" Youngjae catching up with you.
"Because I want it to be special~ now come on lazy pants~" you link you arms round his.

Youngjae gave you peck on the lips that caught you off guard. He run away from you as you chase after him. After you arrive at your destination, both of you was feeling hungry so you went to get some breakfast since the shop haven't open yet. You notice that Youngjae's cold noodle have cucumber on it so you quickly ate it and gave him a proud smile.

"Gomawo jagi~~" he happily eat his cold noodle.

Both of you happily eat your food then went visit the shop. As you meet the crafter, both of you gave him your couple ring asking him to crave eachother name on it. He wanted to refuse it since the ring was quite old well it was your grandparents ring. You insisted the crafter to make it since you wanted your grandparent's ring to be special for both of you and Youngjae. The crafter agreed and asked for you to wait till tomorrow to finish it.

"Kamsahamnida~" as you thank the crafter then look at Youngjae.
"Well...that mean we have to stay the night?" Youngjae ask, holding your hand as you walk alongside the side country road"
"Yeah... Mian...I thought it will take just a few hours to make it..." You make an apologize face.
"Hehe~ it's long as I'm with you Kim y/n" you wrap his arm around your shoulder then give you a peck on the forehead.

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