Kim Yugyeom - I'm Sorry

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You and Yugyeom started as buddies, then when he confess his love to you. The both of you become a couple but it's stayed as a secret. The secret lasted for a month until one of your and Yugyeom's best friend spotted the both of you going on a date and till there you both have an openly relationship. It's lasted for a month or so but slowly it change into something you weren't expect it to be.

You tried to stay positive with your boyfriend sudden change of attitude and be patient about it but it get out of hand when he suddenly told you something that lose your hope at him. You got a text from him in middle of you doing your assignment.

From: Yugyeommie 🐜

Yugyeommie: Y/n...
You: hey~ what's the matter?
Yugyeommie: what are you doing now? Are you busy?
You: nothing just doing my assignment... You?
Yugyeommie: me too...Y/n.. I need to forget about you.

You stared at your your phone for a moment and decided to reply him. It's was odd for him to say that so suddenly.

You: what do you mean Yugyeom?
Yugyeommie: I can't seem to focus whenever I'm with you...Mian but I have to forget about you.
You: hahaha... This is just a joke isn't it?
Yugyeommie: I'm being serious Y/n...
You: if it's like that... How about I gave you time? But after all this school work..lets go on a date.
Yugyeommie: 😊
You: goodnight babe❤️
Yugyeom mine: goodnight.

You turn off and stared at the ceiling, putting your arms on your eyes. Question was flying all over your head on why would he said something that, why so suddenly. Even his goodnight wasn't like the use goodnight wished he to you. You wanted to cry but you did tell him that you will give him some time so you sigh deeply and continued you work to ease on the thoughts of him.

Few weeks past by and Yugyeom started to act differently towards you. He haven't been the same lately after that, whenever you wanted to start a conversation he will give a short reply, he spend more time with his guy friend and tried to avoid you for some reason, he had give you less affection and attention and whenever you asked for his help and wanted to see him, he will make some excuse about it. You tried to hold it in and try to stayed positive about it because all before that he will always be there for you when you needed him. So you just think that maybe he just wanted to have fun with his guy friend, want to focus his study more but at the same time it kinda hurts you since he haven't been the same with you.

Until one day, you wanted to talk with him and wanted him to listen and help your problem about your assignment cause it has been a stressful week for you and you just wanted someone to listen and be there for you but only to get a hurtful words from him.

To Yugyeommie🐜
You: hey babe~ i miss are you doing now?
Yugyeommie: hmm..I'm fine..just having some conflict with my member in my group...
You: have you ate?
Yugyeommie: I did.
You: what are you doing now?
Yugyeommie: having study group with my classmates.
You: oh.. I see.. Yugyeom actually I wanted to ask for your help on one of our subject.. Are you free this Saturday?
Yugyeommie: I'm free but I have something to do..
You: how about this Friday ? Cause I really needed your help on it.
Yugyeommie: how about you just send me the problem that you don't understand..I will just text you.
You: ah.. But I wanted to see you face to face..since it's more easier and maybe we could hang out for a bit.
Yugyeommie: Y/n you know I don't have time for that. I'm busy.
You: yea.,, I know but I need you..can't you make some time for me?
Yugyeommie: I can't... My schedule is pack..I can't just make room for you.
You: am I that unimportant to you?
Yugyeommie: mwo? Y/n I don't have time to argue with you.
You: Yugyeom I just wanted some of your time...can't you do that?
Yugyeommie: I told you I can't. I'm busy...look..if you aren't going to be professional on this then goodbye.
You: Yugyeom....

You bit onto your lip out of frustration and throw your phone on your bed. You let out a deep sigh and scream out onto your pillow. You just can't believe that he said that to you. You just needed his help and ask some of his time... was it so bad. After that day you notice that you can't see his stories anymore and his profile picture is also empty... You ask your friend if they can see his stories and they can and at that time you knew...he deleted your contact number on his phone.

You tried to ask for your friend to confirm it and it was true... He did deleted and said he was angry about you and doesn't want to talk or see you again. You got hurt by his harsh words and cried infront of your friends. They tried to cheer you up but nothing work. From that day you changed, you haven't been yourself lately and always seem to be down and at  night you will cry to sleep. You tried to avoid him all cost because your know that if you see his face you will cry. You manage to avoid him until one day the last day of your final exam.

You stretch our your arms out of relief  that your exam has finally ended and holiday has already begun. You come out from the examiner hall and search for your friend but unexpectedly you bumped into him. Your eyes grew big and tried to run from him but failed when he pull your wrist, stopping from your track. You tried to pull  away but failed to, he pull you to the back of the building and let go of your wrist there.

"Y/n" he call your name softly
"I don't want to see you"  you said trying to fight the tears from falling down.

Yugyeom softly caress your hand but you pull it off him and keep on avoiding his stare. He bit on his lips and slowly raise his hand to give a pat on your head but you quickly push away his hands and glare at him.
"What are you doing?" You harshly ask.
"I'm sorry...." He apolagize
"You're wasting my time...I have something else better to do"

You were about to walk away from him but he took a hold on your hand once again. You look back and shook off his grip, you walk towards him and look into his eyes. All you can feel at the moment is not pity but hatred at him for mistreating you.
"I hate you! You have been the most worst thing that happened to me! How I wish I have not meet you in life or even let you in my life! I thought you were different but you are nothing different from all the people who have deceive me.  I thought I have finally found my soulmate but I was wrong. You broke my trust Yugyeom...I trust you will all my heart but you treat me as I was just a toy that you can throw away when you get bored. Was I ever important to you? Was I even one of your priority? You ruined me in all of of way! When I needed weren't there for me but instant I have to walk the harsh world without you. Why did you have to play with my heart! I loved you but you never did...I sacrifice so much for you but you took grated for it. I try to understand you but I grown tired of it all because of your stupid ego! Maybe it's for the best that you did this to me...cause I know I can be independent... And stand all alone on my two feet. Thank you and goodbye"

After you lashed in all out on him, your tears stream down on your cheek. You quickly turn away from him and wiped away the tears and walk away from him. Yugyeom stood there frozen and can feel all the pain you been through from your words. He know that even if he apologize it won't change how much you have gather all the hatred you have for him. He know he was wrong for doing that to you. He was stupidly blind by his ego and didn't see that he was losing you from his life. He regret doing so and hope that maybe if he try once more to apologize to you, you will forgive him but it will never be the same again.

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