Jealous? - Lim Jaebum

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You are at home with your boyfriend, hugging each-other on your bed. Him playing with your hair while you are snuggling on his chest, hearing his heartbeat beating for you. It was just a peaceful day with Jaebum but it simply got ruined after your stomach start to growling. 
"Arghhh" you whine.
"Come on let feed that monster in your tummy~" Jaebum gave a peak on your head before standing up and pull you up.
"But..I haven't buy any groceries so the refrigerator is empty" you pout.
"Then let's go grap some food or else you will get cranky and then buy groceries hmm?" Jaebum put his forehead on yours.
"I'm do not get cranky when I'm hungry" you stare at him.
"Hmm whatever you say..kitty~" Jaebum shook his head in disbelief.

Jaebum went on take his coat and you took this opportunity to jump on his back. You squish his face playfully.
"Ok ok I'm're not cranky" Jaebum surrender.
"Good to know " you said proudly.
"You're crazy!!" Jaebum push you from his back and ran towards the door.
"Why you!!" You gasp that he actually push you from his back.
"I will be waiting in the car! Don't forget to wear pants" Jaebum said and quickly left the house before you do anything to him again.
You was disbelieve with your boyfriend that he actually go first but at the same time find it cute that he's running away before you tease him again.

Now you two are picking some groceries, Jaebum was at the meat department while you go search for vegetable. While you were rummaging for a lettuce, you felt a tap on your shoulder thinking it was Jaebum but it was not him. You were surprised and yet a bit uncomfortable  to see the person.

"Hey~ long time no see y/n~" he greet you with the same smile he show you years ago.
"What are doing here" you ask, still in surprised.
" same like you..buying groceries." He show his basket of food.
"No what I meant is what are you doing Seoul? I thought you live at London?" You narrow your eyebrows.
"I come visit my parents and don't make that face or else you will get wrinkles quickly" he chuckle and put his hand on your forehead.

His touch...was the one that you been long for years ago but now, it just doesn't feel right. You were standing there still... You didn't move and not knowing why you didn't push his hand away like you should have. But then you realize and remove his hand from your forehead.
"Ahh Mian..btw how have you been?" He ask.
"Fine.." You replied.
"Look y/n..I want to apologize how I treated you" he said, that made you sad after remembering your past with him.
"I moved on from you don't need to worry about" you said, keeping a straight face.
" but still...I'm sorry...I know I should had hurt you..actually the second reason why I came back is to see you again" he  move closer to you and take your hand to hold.
"Hyu..Hyujin" you called out his name, knowing what he meant.

Then suddenly, you heard that Jaebum clearing his throat and glaring at quickly pull your hand from Hyujin's grip. Jaebum walk and stand beside you, pulling you close beside him, actually knowing who the guy standing infront of's your ex boyfriend that left you with a broken heart years ago.
"Jae..Jaebum." You shuttered that made Jaebum raise an eyebrow at you.
"Who are you...and what are you doing to my girlfriend?" Jaebum stand beside you and pull you closer to him.
" Hyujin...Hyunjin, this is my boyfriend Lim Jaebum"  you introduce them to each other.
"Ahh..boyfriend..hmm y/n I have to go and pay for this..but it was meeting you again y/n..Jaebum-sshi right..please take a good care of her" Hyujin said.
"I don't need to worry" Jaebum replied.

Hyujin nodded and left you both. You sigh and notice that Jaebum was unhappy to see the guy. You grasp on his hand and that made him looking down at you.
"Mian..I shouldn't have let him touch me..I know you don't like it" you said, while caressing his hand.
"No I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable...lets go and pay for this hmm?" Jaebum hmm and pat gently your head.

You nodded and still holding on Jaebum's hand. On the way home, it was silent and it make you worry if you actually did a mistake that made Jaebum acting like so. After coming to home, Jaebum helped you arrange the groceries but still he was quiet all the time not until you ask him why.

"Jagi?... Are you mad? " you ask.
"Wha..what no..I won't be mad at you for no reason y/n" he explain.
"I just had the feeling that something is bothering you" you hung your head low.
"No kitty~ it's just that..I feel a bit jealous that the guy touch what is mine" Jaebum pull you into a hug.
"You do know that I will always be yours" you snuggle on his chest.
" I know..I trust you" Jaebum kiss your head.
"I trust you too Jaebummie~~" you show him a smile that made him smile too.

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