Unknown - Choi Youngjae

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"Sunbae...I like you..please accept my feeling" you bravely confess your love to Choi Youngjae who is a year older.
"Thank you..but I don't know you" Choi Youngjae accept the gift you made for him.
"Nae??!" You said in surprised... Everyone in school know you since you're the daughter of a big company in Korea and also the top student in school.
"Huh...should I know you in a way?" Youngjae politely ask.
"Well...hurmm... My name is Yoon Y/n, second year" you introduce.
"It's nice to meet you Yoon y/n...I'm flattered that you have feeling for me but I don't know you well so.." Youngjae politely trying to reject your confession.
"How about we get to know each other and see if you will develop feeling for me?!" You said in hope for him to agree.
"Hmm..well" Youngjae was taken aback by your words.
"I will take that as a yes Sunbae " you jump in conclusion.
"Nae?!" Youngjae blink his eyes, confusingly.

A year have past,
You will always take a chance to be at Youngjae side and try to get to know him more. Every recess time you will go to his classroom and ask him a lot of question about him. At first it was uncomfortable and awkward for Youngjae but sooner he got use to your presence. It was recess time so that's mean you will go to his classroom.
"Annyeong~ is Youngjae Sunbae here?" You ask cheerfully to one of his classmate.
"Youngjae! Your little girlfriend is here to see you~" Jackson inform his friend.
"Huh?" Youngjae replied, half asleep.
"He's here at the back ... Y/n" Jinyoung point at Youngjae.
"Thank you~" you thanked them and went toward Youngjae.

You notice that Youngjae somehow look tired today and doesn't have the energy to even look at you.
"Youngjae Sunbae?" You poke his shoulder to get his attention.
"Y/n?..ahh Mian.." He yawn.
"You look really tired..what did you do last night?" You ask worriedly and took a seat beside him.
"I played a new game that Jinyoung gave me and I got cared away with it so I just got 4 hours of sleep last night." Youngjae explain and yawn again.
" you should have rest!..ahh even tho I want to talk to you, you should get some rest" you pout.
"Mian.." He apologize then rest his head on his bag which is place on his table.
"It's fine" you reassured him.

Youngjae fell asleep in second that left you just staring at his sleeping face. You later observe his feature and realize that Youngjae have such a cute sleeping face. As small smile creep on your face and thought of buying him some snack and drink so that he starve later on. Recess past so the bell woke Youngjae up. He look at his side to see Jackson and not you.
"If you're looking for y/n...she went back to her class already" Jackson said, taking out his book.
"Hmm...ah! gomawo guys for the snack and drink" Youngjae drink the banana milk and open the bag of chips.
"It wasn't us who bought you that...it was y/n" Jinyoung turn round to face Youngjae and take a chip.
" she did?" Youngjae ask.
"Hmm...she was worried about you and even scold Jinyoung for making you sleepless last night." Jackson laugh at the event.
"I got an earful of her scolding...I won't give let you borrow my game anymore after that" Jinyoung sigh.

Youngjae amuse with his friend story about you. A small smile form on his face as he thought you were cute for getting   all worried about him over such small matter.

After school you will always go toward his classroom waiting for Youngjae outside. As soon as his class ended, his teacher saw you waiting for Youngjae in the hall.
"Youngjae..you little girlfriend is waiting for you at the hall" his teacher tell the whole class about your presence .

The whole class crack up with their teacher joke and you got flustered by it. You watch as one by one got out from the classroom. Lastly Youngjae and two of his barest friend come out.
"Sunbae~ " you jump cute due to the excitement.
"Annyeong y/n" Youngjae smile at you.
"How I wish I have a crush like y/n" Jackson whine as he put his arm around Jinyoung shoulder.
"How could you say that...am I not enough for you sseunni??" Jinyoung fake grasp and fake being hurt.
"Oh come on Jinyoung you will always be in my heart" Jackson pout his lip at Jinyoung, trying to give a kiss on the cheek.
"Ahhhh save me!! Cooties!" Jinyoung yell for help while trying to push away lip Jackson from him.

You and Youngjae laugh with their brotherly love. You turn your attention back to Youngjae and look at his free hand. You had always want to intertwine your hand with his but just to shy to do so. Youngjae notice it and let out a mall chuckle at how cute you are. Jinyoung and Jackson wanted to go to the arcade and invite you but you decline and told them you will join them next time. Youngjae also decline since it's dangerous for you to go home all alone and beside he need some sleep anyway.

As you and Youngjae was walking to road to your and his neighborhood, you keep on asking Youngjae question about him cause this is the only spare time you got to talk with him.
"Y/n...lets stop talking about me" Youngjae said that made you stop talking.
"Nae? But" you were taken aback.
"Let's talk about you for once? I rarely heard about you tho...it's always about me" Youngjae turn his attention to you.
"Because I want to get to know you more..that's why I always ask about you " you state.
"You know a lot about me already...while I only knew the outside you not your past or other stuff about you" he said.
"Ahh...I'm not important..my life is quite boring" you shrug, trying to avoid the topic.

Youngjae shook his head and take a grip on his hand to take you somewhere. As soon as you both arrive there, it was a hill which is beside a river.
"Woah..it beautiful here..how come I never saw this place before?" You stare at the beautiful scenery.
"Because people rarely come here... It kinda like my hideout place" Youngjae smell the fresh air.
" am I the first person you took here?" You ask, blinking your eyes.
"Jinyoung and Jackson is the first person I took here actually" Youngjae smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
" oh" you sadly replied.
"But you're the first girl I took here" Youngjae bend down to face you.
"Really?!" You ask cheerly.

Youngjae nodded and pull you to sit at the stairs.
"So now...tell me about your life" Youngjae rest his head on his right hand as he turn his attention to you.
"But it's boring.,you will get bored by it" you pout.
"No I won't...I want to know  more about you y/n" Youngjae confess.

Your eyes widen and shyly story him about your life. Soon or later you got comfortable storying him about your past. He was really paying attention with you. Soon it got dark so Youngjae volunteer to send you home. For the first time, you and him talk about each other rather than you asking him question about him.

You were already in front of your gate, you thanked Youngjae and bid him goodbye but suddenly Youngjae stop you by grabbing on your wrist.
"Eh? ..Sunbae what's the matter?" You ask, looking down on your wrist then look back at him.
"Y/n...I will graduating soon..." Youngjae said, looking through your eyes.
"I know" you sadly said as you will not be able to see him in school anymore.
"Will you still have feeling for me when I graduate next year? " Youngjae walk closer to you.
"Of Course I will...I like you" you confess.
"What if when I'm not there any longer and some guy will make a move on you?" Youngjae ask.
" why are you so worried about it Sunbae?" You take a step forward.
"Because...because..I ..I have feeling for you" Youngjae shutter but manage to confess his feeling to you.
"Oh...wait?! You what??!!!" You exclaimed surprisingly .
" I like you too y/n.." Youngjae take a step closer, leaving only inch between you both.
"I...I..you..oh my god!" You fan yourself due to blushing.
"Does it shock you? " Youngjae smile, embarrassedly.
"Yes!!!!! " you accidentally raise your voice, you quickly cover your mouth.
" Mian... You look cute when you blush btw" Youngjae chuckle.

You got more redder than ever, so you hide you face with your both of your hand. Youngjae softly remove your hand from your face and lift your chin to face him.
"Don't cover it...it's cute" Youngjae smile.
"Ahhhhh.....stop killing me Sunbae " you pout.
"So will you accept my confession?" Youngjae ask.

You nodded and hug him. He break the hug as he look into your eyes.
"I'm the luckiest man" Youngjae kiss your forehead.
"That also made me as the luckiest girl ever" you hug him.

GOT7xAHGASE [BOOK 1] 💚Where stories live. Discover now