Sleepover - GOT7 as your bestfriend

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You were at the school rooftop where up always spend you lunch time with your 7 guy best friend.
" hey guys...can I ask you something?" You ask them.
"What is it y/n?" Jaebum look at you.
"Do you guys wanna have a sleepover at my house?" You ask while playing with your straw.
"What is the catch here?" Jinyoung narrow his eyes at you.
"Oh...nothing I just wanted to have sleepover with you know spend more time with you.." You glance at them.
"Aww that's sweet of you~ but seriously y/n what is catch here?" Jackson ask.
"Fine!...I don't have any friend tonight at home...that's why I ask you guys to sleep over at my house." You confess
"Where your parents at?" Mark ask.
"They're going on a business trip for 3 days but they will be home by night on the third day." you replied.
"How about your little brother then ?" Youngjae ask.
"He's going to have his camp day for 3 I don't have any company at home" you pout.
"Then..what the use for us to sleep there then?" Yugyeom ask.
" have the house to yourselves man!" BamBam nudge you playfully.
"Have you guys seen my house?!" You exclaimed.
"Now that I recall..we have only went to your old house not the new tho" Mark said.
"Now this is the chance you guys will visit my new house~" you excitedly said.

You were expecting that their reaction will be excitement but it was somewhat avoidance. You narrow your eyes at them to seek what the reason they avoiding your offer for a sleepover.
"What's  the matter now? Why do you guys avoiding my offer for a sleepover?" You whine.
"Did you forget the last time we had a sleepover together?" Jaebum raise an eyebrow.
"I remember that we ate, play, then sleep" you tilt your head.
"That what I afraid you will answer" Jaebum sigh.
"Mwo? What is it?!" You impatiently ask.
"We were so loud at night and your neighbor assume that you know got molested by 7 boys in the house since Jackson was tickling you"Jinyoung said, rub his temple for remember the incident.
"And the policeman come to arrest us 7 for thinking that you were getting molested by us!" Youngjae exclaimed, they all nodded in agreement.
" I remember...haha but it was Jackson fault for making me laugh late at night" you point at Jackson.
"What?! It's you who first made fun of my ruined haircut" Jackson felt accuse by you.
"But it was hilarious! I still keep the picture tho" you playfully raise your eyebrow at him.
"Hahaha it was quiet funny" Yugyeom laugh.
"Shut up" Jackson sulk.

You wrap your arms around Jackson who is sitting next to you.
"Aww..don't be mad~ in the bright side your hairstyle is better now" you smile at him.
"Thank you but this doesn't mean I forgive you completely" Jackson hump.
"I will treat you bbq~" you sing.
"Ok I forgive you~ " Jackson cheekily smile.
" hehehe that's my bro~ now tomorrow sleepover at my house..and don't worry, our new house is more private and we can be loud as much as we want..just so you know I have a swimming pool now~" you raise your eyebrows playfully at them.

They all raise their hand saying that they agree on having the sleepover at your house.
"Yeah! I love you guys...just remember to bring your pajamas, a lot of spare clothes and also bring your school uniform since the next 2 days is school day.

The next day, the guys arrived at your house.

The next day, the guys arrived at your house

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