chapter one: hogwash

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"Really Wade?! Hogwash!" I yelled, dramatically opening my closets, taking all my clothes magically putting them into my luggage neatly.

"You can enroll me in any other wizarding schools!"

I continued shouting, putting my anger in random object that is near my shadow.

"O-or you can even enroll me in muggle school but I'm thankful that you didn't because I will really fucking go insane!" I threw my airpods in my bag before locking it with force.

"WHY HOGWASH?! YOU KNOW FUCKING WELL I HATE HOGWASH!" I shouted across the room as I check the things that I needed. Lucky me and my buddy Wade, shopped last week, buying our books, requirements and other stuff needed and wanted but he purposely didn't tell me that he enrolled me in stupid Hogwash school. ARGH! fuck it! I hate it!

"It's HOGWARTS! not HOGWASH DOUCHEBAG!" Wade replied, his frenzied voice reach my ear. He really hates it when I bash the 'best wizarding school' he ever knew. The best wizarding school is ILVERMORNY! Not HOGWASH or whatever! (no offense)

During summer, Wade convinced me to like or should I say 'love' the Hogwarts by telling me the good things about Hogwarts like The boy who lived is enrolled there and he'll continue his schooling only in Hogwarts. Last week, he told me about the 'amazing' adventure that 'famous' Harry Potter brought to the school, how dark wizards try to get into the school just to 'kill the boy who lived', He just told me those things just to impress me and to encourage me to love Hogwarts because he knew how I loved to be in trouble and how I love dark magic surrounding me but when we're talking about this Hogwarts it won't, like never in a million years, impress me like other schools fully impressed me.

I close the cage of my dog which I bought somewhere in Scotland last year when I fetch Wade from the muggle train station. I carried my cage of my dog and my other belongings downstairs, meeting the frustrated face of Wade, standing behind the open door with his belongings beside him. Judging by his look, I know he want to rip my face into pieces but I know he wouldn't do that, He saw me as his younger sister and I saw him as a 'responsible' and 'good' older brother, we only have six months of gaps but still look the same.

I gave him a furious glare as I stroll and stop in front of him. He sighed, massaging his cheeks lazily. "Please Rainnie" He started, pinching his nose, sighing deeply. "We only have each other, please understand okay?" He pat my shoulders in a loving way. "I enrolled you to hogwarts for us to be together in this another school year, not separated, and for I, to watch you like a responsible brother just like I promise to Mr. G, now, don't act like a child, whining to get the things that you want, missy."

Wade and I are from muggle orphan since we're seven, we lived there peacefully, the other orphans liked us, they love how we spent together like Wade and I do, even we aren't connected by blood but we know we're still lived like a true family. Also the landlady was pretty awesome, she was tall, chubby and a kind woman she was, she all treated us like a family and cried when one of us had to be taken and adopted by other families but then again, when the landlady found out that there's a wizard and a witch living under her roof when we got our Hogwarts letter, the Landlady threw us heartlessly with no hesitation. I don't know what happened to the old landlady I knew before but soon enough, I learned that her husband was once killed by a dark witch who wanted a long lasting love but didn't give because he's loyal and faithful to her wife but honestly I don't really care, I'm not really emotionally attached to anyone except for myself. For weeks Wade and I got nothing else except our starving stomachs, and ourselves. Until one day, there's some white haired guy named Mr. G found us in a unearthly street of England, He was about to take me home, only me, but I tried everything to make the man took the both of us, after arguing, he finally took us to his home. He cared for us, feed us and gave every thing we need. In the age of 12, Mr. G offered Wade and I to study the muggle self-defense class called Karate. I personally don't know why he offered us karate when he know that it's a muggle thing and I know Mr. G despise things that is connected to muggle world but I didn't dare to ask because I always knew he doesn't like explaining things, useless things rather, so I decided to kept my mouth shut and just follow whatever he told us to do. And in the age of 13, Mr. G enrolled us in Ilvermorny. Me being Thunderbird and Wade being Wampus. But when Wade and I turn into 2nd year students, Wade decided to transfer in Hogwash, because he heard that Hogwarts has a great Quidditch feild and they have more exciting school events than Ilvermorny which is very offensive in my personal opinion but Mr. G was on his way, He didn't want us to transfer in Hogwash for he has something bad memories there but in the end, He gave up and allowed Wade to transfer to this school named Hogwarts. He let him do everything Wade wanted to do but Mr. G and I are the closest, so he commands me to do something that can make my witchly skills improved and he also confessed to me that he doesn't like me being enrolled in Hogwarts but He's fine if Wade is enrolled there. He told me that he doesn't like the headmaster there and everything about the Hogwarts. That's the reason why I grew up hating the school that Wade enrolled me in.

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