chapter five: award for the good actress

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Eyes were hardly darted at their potions master like he was a madman. Why would he hang out with a student? Everyone knows Professor Snape hates children strutting like they know everything in this world. But in Adrianna's internal self shouting a lot of thanks, he saved Adrianna from this aggravating friends of hers. “Finally!” Adrianna shouted in relief which her friends gave her a disapproval look. Draco came out of view, showing his disappointed look at his godfather. “What! No! You can't hang out with students, professor! Besides, I think it's inappropriate!” Potions Master gain his posture, crossing his arms at his ‘lovely’ godson. “Well well, Mr. Malfoy. I'm not saying we're going to hogsmeade, buying some girly stuff for a tea party.” Snape replied coldly with a hint of amusement. Adrianna smirked at his last remark. “Ms. Yearwood will be accompany the dungeon bat in my lab.” He gestured Adrianna to come inside but stopped by Wade, pulling her by her wrist. “No! You can't do that! Beside we—” “Mr. Dawkins, If you want to see your little friend right here later, you'll follow what I say.” He glared, pulling Adrianna near his chest, making the girl blush visibly but luckily, she's facing the professor's chest.
“Now, If I can still see you standing in front of me in a count of three, I won't hesitate to give you detention with Filch and a 50 points from each house, or would you like 50 points from each. of. you.”  He spat coldy, gripping his hold onto Adrianna's wrist. “You can't take points from your house!” Goyle worriedly look at his head of house who's glaring down at him intensely. “I can do what I please to do, now! One.” Draco was about to say something but cutted by the professor saying “Two!” He growled. With that, they all scattered, running away in a different ways.

(emile's pov)

I back away from Snape, feeling the smell of the professor still lingering around my nose but I didn't mind which was a weird thing. “Thank you, Professor.” I sighed, fidgeting my fingers senselessly. “You should choose the right friends, Yearwood or you would end up like me.” He muttered, still looking at the way where the golden trio and Wade went. “I know.” I slowly looked up at him, realising he had a bunch of bottons, even in his sleeves. Can he still breathe? “Um... You're just joking earlier, right? We're not going in your lab or something.” I gulped at the last word I spoke. He chuckled, shooking his head twice. “No no, You can go to your dorm now.” He spun around, closing the door but my heart says this isn't right, so, my stupidity run through my veins, to my brain, telling me to put my foot between the door and its frame, keeping the door ajar. This is one of my regrets in my life, letting the door hurt my poor foot. “Ah!” I moaned in pain, my foot shaking in pain. He's really capable at closing, rather like slamming the door this hard? It really hurts! “Why in Salazar's name did you do that!” Snape kneeled down, grabbing my foot carefully, searching for damage. “Can you walk?” He asked looking up at me with those dark worried orbs. Wow. It's my first time feeling this feeling when I look down at Snape. damn. I felt like a 7 footer. I felt so— tall. But it soon fade when Snape stood up, looking down at me. But not bad, I'm 5'9" and I think Snape is like 6'2" or 6'3".

“Atleast I felt good even just for a while.” I murmured. “What?” "I said, I can walk. It's just a piece of cake, nothing to worry about." I gave him a reassuring smile knowing he won't believe me. “Come.” He said, opening the door widely for me to go in. He went to his storage room, rumbling can be heard from where I've been sitting. “Here. This can help.” He gave me a small vial with a label on it. ‘Healing Potion’.
I quickly drank it, then the potions starts healing my left foot. “Thank you again, professor.” I smiled up at him, handing him back the vial. He nodded walking back to the storage room. I marched towards his desk, dragging along with a chair setting it beside the professor's desk. “I thought you already left.” I jumped a bit, shot my head up at emotionless professor. “Why would I? You told me we're going to have a tea party!” I teased wiggling my eyebrows at him. He shook his head chuckling a bit. He grabbed his quill, starting to grade an essay. “I’m too old for those things, Yearwood.’’ I tilt my head, placing my cheeks on my palm, leaning towards the desk. “Really? You look fine, Professor. You look like in mid 20s.” I smiled, arguing at myself not to poke his cute big hooked nose. He chuckled setting his quill down. “Really?” He smiled. “Really!”

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