chapter four: very like me

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"Addie!!!" I was in the middle of my dream when Draco's annoying high-pitched voice rang through my ear to another one, his strong hands shook me away from my peaceful sleep. I shove him off but I felt two more people around the room and feel like it's Crabbe and Goyle, obviously, they are the only one who can hang out with Draco, I can't say it's Potter and his little friends, it would be totally weird seeing them hanging out. "Wake up!!!! It's 11am!!" With that, I opened my eyes, quickly sat on my bum, brushing my hair blocking my eyes, scanning my room filled with my precious friends. "WHAT!" I practically yelled. "It's 11am, you sleepyhead!" He toss my muggle alarm clock towards me, seeing that I miss my two classes in the morning and most importantly, my breakfast. "Why didn't you wake me up?! And why the hell are you here!" I quickly grabbed my well clean robes, then quickly brush my teeth, putting a perfume and brushing my hair neatly. "That's why we are here, Ad." Goyle replied, Crabbe cutely nodded. "Let's go! We'll miss the lunch!"

It's 11: 50 am, and we have a reason to run through the halls because obviously, the dungeons are far from great hall not to mention those stupid moving stairs. We ran at a fast pace as the lunch time is approaching. "Hey!" A Gryffindor yelled at us, but that didn't stop us from running even though we ran pass Professor Lupin and Snape, Snape was clearly disappointed about his little Slytherins running like madman in corridors ready to deduct house points but soon stopped when he realized it his little 'cute' Slytherins, while Lupin laugh us off like a true friend would do. We finally made it just in time. We settle down, sitting at our house table, waiting for other students to arrive. Meanwhile, the boys talked about the Quidditch try-outs, while I stuck my nose on the book from yesterday and that's why I stayed up late. I should have slept yesterday, my eyes are killing me slowly. "Ad!" Draco yelled through my ears, my book flying over my head. "Dray!" I yelled back, feeling the book still on my head. "Sorry, I was just wondering if you want to join the quidditch later, with us!" I shook my head no, shrugging the overwroughted Draco aside. "But, If you'll join the quidditch, I can ask father to give you the latest broom in wizarding world!" He yelled every word he spoke making all heads in the room move towards us listening to our conversation. "Nah, Quidditch is just a waste of time, and besides, I can't use that Quidditch thing when I got a job in the future, It's useless." Draco dramatically fake cried, holding his chest like he got a shot 24 times, same place. "How dare you human! Quidditch is everything! It's everyone's happiness! It's-It's- It's everyone's-" I stared at him blankly, Crabbe and Goyle snickering in his side. "You don't know what you're saying, are you?" I raise my brow, pursing my lips at him. "Haha. You got me!" He smiled, nudging my arm. "You'll never be an actor, Dray. Mark my words." I remarked, laughing at him.

The great hall was suddenly filled with students, and the teachers are on their seats. DUMBledore said his speech then the feast finally begin. Now, I think it's time for me to eat, setting my book on my lap, picking chicken curry, and some food in my likings but I didn't pick the pork, I'm a vegetarian but I consider eating chicken because I was a chicken lover before I become vegetarian but still, I can't call myself a vegan when I'm still eating chickens. After I ate, I quickly drank my pumpkin juice then went out after double checking if Filch is still in the great hall. I sighed when I finally away from great hall. I start to scan outside, seeing the green house, and how far it is to the forbidden forest and there is some kind of weird cabin near the forest which I didn't mind. The Quidditch stadium came into view, along with the practice pitch and the broom shed. The studium is a perfect place to dig some plans.

"I really thought you're an extrovert, Yearwood. Guess not." A black figure stared at me, smirking as he walk towards me. I slightly jumped, but tried to act normal. "I am a extrovert, Professor. I just hate crowd's noise." Snape's smirk grew bigger. He walked, following my pace which I was grateful about because in my first day here, He was the very fast walker I ever known, like hell? My feet almost died. "Very like me, Yearwood but sadly I'm not an extrovert, more like an-" "Introvert." I finished his sentence, smiling up at him.

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