chapter three: a very shy curly headed girl

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previously: Snape's smirk grew larger and darker making me feel uncomfortable and scared, but heck no, I won't let this guy win, so I maintain my posture and my calm face. "What will be the effect of Draught of Living Death on the drinker?"

The class started to gasped, whistled and widening their eyes at me. Dramatically, Hermione stood, clearly don't want me to be embarrassed infront of the whole class in my first day. "But Professor! It's not included in our last year's lesson! It's for sixth years and we're only-" "Fourth years, Thank you Ms. Granger for reminding me that for the next two year you'll be sixth years." Snape sarcastically look at Hermione, gesturing her to sit then took 15 points from Gryffindor. I stood up after I stared at Snape for awhile, giving him a death glare which Draco smirked about and nudged me, wiggling his brows. "Thank you for that last year's lesson question, sir" I started, Snape rolling his eyes at me. "The Draught of Living Death is an extremely powerful sleeping draught, sending the drinker into death like slumber." I calmly answered as Snape threw me a glare. "And what colours are-" "Halfway stage should be a blackcurrant colour or a deep purple, although at later stage if stirred properly, the potion will turn into shade of lilac then, eventually, clear as water." I smiled innocently neglecting his furious features as he slowly made his way towards me and Draco. He put his hands above my table, leaning his head towards mine. "Excellent, Ms. Yearwood. I didn't expect someone to answer me without stuttering." He scanned me from head to toe as I stand confidently in front of him. "Last question for Malfoy and remain standing Yearwood, Malfoy might not answer this very simple question." Draco snorted as he slowly stood eyeing the professor in front of us. "So Mr. Malfoy, Can you tell us who made the potion for hags?"
Draco gave me a glance, his sweat was visible dripping from his chin. He gave me a look, craving for help. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at him but failed, letting a quick chuckle earning a glare from the furious professor. I coughed, covering my chuckle behind. "It's Professor Regulus Moonshine in the mid 1990s." I blurted, hearing a sigh from Draco. Meanwhile, Snape glared towards me, giving me another question.

"And what its purpose, Ms. Yearwood?"

"To reduce that creature's craving for human flesh."

He nod at me, scratching his chin gently. A small smirk plastered on his plump, thin lips. "You can be another insufferable Know-it-all, Ms. Yearwood." Draco covered his mouth as he giggled along with the others. I glared at Snape as his smirk grew bigger. "An insufferable Slytherin Know-it-all." He added, making another bunch of giggles around the classroom. "Silence!" He growled.

A moment of silence settled around as we stared at each other's eyes, Snape leaning on my desk, his face is very very close to me like fuck?. "Impressive, Yearwood." "My pleasure, Professor." With that, he fixed his posture, giving 20 points to Slytherin but he took 5 points because Draco didn't answer any questions he gave. All Slytherins smirked at me, giving me a thumbs up while they give Draco a glare.

"Stupid greasy git." Draco murmured, making me bit my lower lip again trying not to burst out laughing. The class was about note taking, about Swooping Evil venom. Before Snape dismiss us, he said that we need to write the importance of Swooping Evil vemon and its ingredients and it should be two feet tall. The whole class groaned hearing Snape that he'll fail us if we didn't past it by tomorrow evening.

"He's so cruel." I spoke, as we, Draco, Goyle, Crabbe and I made our way to the hall. "Giving assignment in first day? Who does that?!" I exclaimed, earning a pat from Draco. "You'll get use to him, he's always like that."

We separate ways when they told me they'll go to play some prank to defeat the Weasley twins, interested but unfortunately I need to go to the library, hoping I'll get a novel book or something because I need something to waste my free time. Opening the door of library, seeing the Librarian reading a book ignoring my existance. I went to muggle section, hoping for a Donna Leon or something exciting to read, action, thriller, mystery but not romance, who likes cheesy romance, ew. The only romance I red was Romeo and Juliet, I consider it reading because it was made by my favourite author, Shakespeare, who else would it be?

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