chapter seven: where were you?

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    It's almost November and students are far from relaxing and guess what? OWLs are coming, stressing the students in Hogwarts but what can they do? it is suppose to happen.
    “Addie! c'mon, don't be so lifeless!” Draco shouted, dragging Adrianna with all his force but unluckily, Adrianna is surprisingly stronger than the boy, making him grunt telling her he gave up. “What are you so excited about? it's just same D.A.D.A. classroom.” She shuffled trying to get Draco’s pace. “Well, today is different, Ad! Professor Lupin is going to discuss boggarts and I'm excited of what your boggart will be!” Furrowing her eyebrows at the blonde, trying to figure out why is he so eager to know her boggart. “Why would you wanna know my stupid boggart?” She asked.
“So that I can have something to tease you.” Wiggling his eyebrows, giddily grining at her.

    Entering the classroom, noticing first the D.A.D.A. professor smiling widely back at the students. “Oh, hello there! We're just about to start!” Lupin gestured at the two slytherins to immediately close the door so they can start. Lupin happily clap his hands
“Make a line behind Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Longbottom?” Lupin smiled sending shivers in Neville’s robes up to his lips causing it to shiver too.
“Just relax, Neville. Relax.” Lupin assured, smiling at Neville to comfort him which is successfully worked but then Lupin let the boggary out, circling around until it made a weird shape and turn into Neville's most feared person, Severus Snape, more like everyone's feared person. Neville is now shivering intensely as the boggart walked confidently with Snape’s appearance towards Neville, ready to insult him in many ways. “Longbottom, just relax and remember just shout riddikulus!” Lupin cheered. Neville smiled, gulping as he eyed the boggart. “You—” The boggart started but interrupted by a spell being casted. “Riddikulus!” Snape stumbled backwards whilst his clothes turn into Neville’s grandma clothes making the students hysterically laughed at the boggart along with their professor. Laughter filled the room as the line go on until its Wade turn to face his boggart and unexpectedly the boggart turned into infamous Gellert Grindelwald  saying he never want him which broke Adrianna’s heart because Wade didn't talk about how he feared Gellert not seeing him his true son. Everything is awkward as Wade stepped aside, glancing at Adrianna in shame.

    As the line gets smaller, Adrianna gets nervous, she knew who is her boggart but didn't know why. “There there Yearwood, You're next.” Lupin smiled, patting Adrianna’s shoulders. “Remember the word, okay?” Lupin stepped aside, giving his students enough space. Taking a deep breath as the cabinet shake violently. A familiar figure to Adrianna step outside the cabinet. “What?” Wade breathed, confuse to her boggart. The room was silent, a complete silence. A tear dropped from Adrianna’s left eye, smiling at the boggart. “Credence.” She joyfully smiled. Seeing Credence Barebone again, safe and sound was the only thing that can make Adrianna joyful and satisfied. “Rainnie! That's a boggart!” Wade shouted. Now, everyone is clearly confused of who the hell is the guy that boggart formed. The figure took a step whilst its skin getting paler and paler, an eyebags growing swiftly, and blood oozes leisurely from its mouth.

“You’re a liar!” The boggart choked, still in Credence’s figure and voice. “I thought we are one? where were you? You promised you'll be there for me but where the hell are you! where?!” The boggart yelled, making Adrianna forget it's a boggart not the real Credence. Even if she remembers it's just a boggart, it is still Credence, her Credence.

“Aurors nearly killed me! You fucking left without a word!” Adrianna felt weak, kneeling down as she kept memorizing the words that the boggart had said. It was real, it looked so real. “I loathe you, Yearwood! I never loved you! I never did!” This was it, her fear was Credence loathing her. “Yearwood, the word!” Lupin whisper-shouted at Adrianna but it didn't work, Adrianna looked like a statue, her wand is on the floor, hands on her hair trying to get the boggart’s words out of her head. “Riddikulus!” A vioce shouted. It was Wade. He knew why, he always knew why. “Come, let's talk.” Wade grab Adrianna’s wrist gently but she yank it away. “I don't want to talk about it!” She yelled, standing up, storming towards the door pushing it widely open, storming to Slytherin common room.


    “What was that about?” Hermione asked, trying to insist to tell Wade who the guy was and why Adrianna almost lost herself. “Just—someone emotionally involved with Rainne.” Wade replied almost in whisper. The group didn't asked further as they walked silently to the great hall for the dinner. It was silence when they realized Draco and Adrianna are not present in Slytherin table but his goons were there, usually.
Getting frustrated, Wade tapped his shoe a couple of times staring at the big double doors waiting for it to open anytime soon. The double doors opened a few times but it wasn't Adrianna even Draco.

    As the times goes by, Dumbledore sat back on his chair, more like a throne after his long speech for all the students. Ron sighed, putting his drumsticks down “Wade, where's Rainnie?” As if on cue, the double door opened by Draco followed by Adrianna. A smile of relief were plastered on her Gryffindor friends. They made their way towards the girl, not caring if students in the Slytherin table are glaring at them trying to back them off but then they continued. “Rainnie—” Their eyes landed on eyes of Adrianna that made her look away quickly. “Adrianna, Do you want to talk about it?” Wade asked in soft tone. Draco blocked their way to Adrianna while crossing his arms protectively. “What the hell are you doing here, Gryffindorks?” Draco spat.
Crabbe and Goyle high five proudly. “Dray! Sit down and just ignore them!” Adrianna pull Draco away from the Gryffindors who stood there until they thought Adrianna doesn't want any people around her for now. “Wade, let's just go.” They went back to their table disappointedly.


    After asking the headmaster to go early, Wade convinced Adrianna to talk in the Room of requirement as he put his arm around the girl securely. Entering the R.O.R. Wade gently closed the door then giving his friend a hug. They kept quiet for almost an hour before Adrianna stopped sobbing. “Are you ready to talk now, Ad?” Wade softly stroked the girl's locks, keeping his grip on her waist securely. “Maybe.” She forcefully smiled up at him. “But Draco and I already talk about it.” Wade frowned hearing his foe’s name. Draco? Listening to other’s problems? How odd.

“Oh, sounds odd.” Adrianna chuckled at Wade. “Yeah, but he gave me some life advice it was a fucking good one.” Wade chuckled. Adrianna composed herself trying to imitate Draco’s voice. “Love is like a torture spell, Ad. It'll kill you to death. But if you're strong enough to hold on and fight for that love then you deserve that love but the question is ‘Was it worth holding on?’, ‘Was it worth fighting for?’, importantly ‘Was it really worth for love?’. And Ad, Do you really think you both are fighting for each other? Or was it you all along? You know how truth sucks” Wade agape at his friend, giving her the look of ‘really?’. Adrianna chuckled as she nod her head. “He held me tightly, he comfort me really well and he even gave me his permission to pat his damn hair and it's really soft, Wade. So~ fucking soft.”

Wade gently beamed down at the girl as she spoke about Draco’s hair and scent. He's painfully thankful ‘cause Draco distracted Adrianna from Credence and Wade knows how Adrianna gets sensitive when it comes to her only love.

Wade peek his head through the curtains to see the young couple at their backyard. “Den! Stop!” Adrianna sparked guffaws as she tried to push Credence away. “Okay, fine.” Credence smiled, placing his hand on Adrianna left cheek gently. “Promise me, you and me till the end?” the boy asked, rubbing his thumb against the girl's cheeks. “I promise, you and I till the end.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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