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Once upon a time, there was a loving mother and a loving father. The mother had curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes and high cheek bones. The father had black hair, blue eyes and was well built. 

They're first child was a baby girl. She had her mother’s looks but had straight hair like her father and his personality; she was born on February 7. The girls name was Elizabeth Nichole Baker.

When the girl was five years old her parents had another baby, this time it was a boy. The boy looked like their father except, he had their mothers' hair color and curliness when it gets long. His name was Burton George Baker or Burt for short. He was born on October 15.

When little Elizabeth first held her baby brother on his very first Christmas she said "I will always protect you, always." And true to her word she did, when he was bullied she always had his back and chased the bullies away.

Now their family wasn't perfect or anything, they too had problems. Elizabeth was diagnosed with 'MS' at the age of ten. Burt had autism. Both had ADHD. It was a mess.

Now this is where the real story begins when Elizabeth is thirteen and Burt is eight.

~Elizabeth's P.O.V~

I was getting off the school bus with my little brother. Finally it's summer. As we walked up to our house I started to have a bad feeling. So I listened to my gut and pushed Burt protectively behind me.

"What's wrong, sissy?" Burt asked me. I put a finger to my lips as a sign to be quiet while looking at him seriously. Burt knows when I have my serious face on its best not to question me.

I hesitantly opened the door and took a small peak inside. I opened the door all the way and looked around. I saw a lump on the ground in front of the couch. I grabbed my brother's upper arm and dragged him with me. What I saw almost made me cry. My father was lying on the ground deathly pale with two fang-like marks on his neck.

Now I wasn't stupid or anything, I knew vampires and werewolves existed, my parents told me when I was ten, but I had a friend at school who was a vampire and the other was a werewolf who told me when we were little. I felt my brother grab me tighter and started to silently cry. I went over to my dad and checked his pulse. Nothing. There was no pulse.

I put on a brave, emotionless face and went to the little table that was by the couch. I opened the little drawer. There it was in all its glory. My family’s emergency 40-milimeter pistol loaded with hollow points. I didn't hesitate to grab it.

Now I know what you’re thinking 'a thirteen-year-old couldn't know how to use a gun.' Well it's quite possible when your dads over protective and is a gun lover, you get taught how to use a gun. My dad started to teach me when I was seven.

After I grabbed the gun I heard a moan of pain that sounded like our mother coming from upstairs. I quickly but quietly walked to the stairs, still holding my little brother's arm, and walked up the stairs. When we got upstairs I heard another moan of pain, it was coming from my parent's room.

I walk over, gun in hand. I peaked through the slightly cracked door. What I saw scared me. My mom was being sucked dry by a vampire. I held my little brother tighter and ran to the other side of the hall way to his room.

"OK Burt I want you to go into your room and lock the door until I come back and say that it's ok to come out." I commanded. He nodded and did as told.

I walked back to my parents' room and looked into the room just in time to see it drop my mom's corpse. I put on an impassive face as I kicked the door open. Alerting the vampire.I shot at it, the bullet grazed its shoulder.

The vampire came at me with its inhuman speed and pinned me against a wall. I let out a gasp as my back makes contact. I feel the vampire’s fangs graze against my skin; I clutch the gun in my hand just remembering it was there. I put the gun to the vampire's open mouth and shot.

Now I'm no idiot I knew if I had a 40-millimeter pistol that close to my face and fired it, it would have some repercussions; it could possibly have killed me. But the only thing on my mind was my little brother and keeping him safe. But luckily I only got a gash to my forehead.

I ran out of the room after I put the gun on safety and set it down. I went straight to my little brother's room and knocked.

"It's OK now, Burt. You can come out now." I say in a soft voice. He opens the door and runs straight at me crying. I pick him up and go back downs stairs and out the front door. I ran to our neighbor's house.

Our neighbor Mrs. Johnson. She is a sweet old lady. She treats Burt and me as her own grandchildren. She would do anything for us.

I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in' before I enter her house.

"Mrs. Johnson! Please help us!!" I yell. I hear a pair of footsteps and look up. I see the woman gasp and run to us.

"What happened, dear? Oh my goodness you’re bleeding. Come on you can tell me while I get you cleaned up." She said/asked me. I nod and let my brother stand.

 He clings to me as if I was his lifeline. As she cleaned off the blood I tell her what happened and finally start to cry over my lost family. She calls the police and EMS. They get there in ten minutes. I get my head stitched up there as well. I also got questioned as to what happened I tell them and kept a stony façade all the while.

The next week for my brother and I was a living hell. We had news reporters all up our asses. I gave them the entire story again with the façade. But when asked why I did it, I let it down and gave this statement.

"I did it for my little brother. I promised my family I would always protect him when I was five. And if I could I'd do it all again, I would." The confidence and determination in my eyes and voice had shocked everyone.

After the week was over social services came to take us to an orphanage. Me being me put my foot down and yelled a big 'NO' in their faces. They were going to take us anyways but Mrs. Johnson said she'll adopt us, so they let us be.

We live with her for three more years before she died. Social services same again but this time I had a surprise for them. My brother and I inherited a lot of money from our parents and Mrs. Johnson, so I decided that we would run off to Japan. Konoha, Japan to be exact. Since we both speak Japanese fluently.

We grabbed every thing we needed and headed of to the airport. About 24-hours later we arrived. I found us a house to rent that was near by the schools I enrolled us in. I drifted off to sleep with my thoughts on how much my life changed in three years.

But what I didn't know was that my life was going to change even more as soon as I stepped through the front doors of school.

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