Bye Karura, hello school, and the lullaby

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It’s 1am and I can’t sleep. Today is the last day Karura is going to be here in the morning and to tell you the truth, I’m really gonna miss her. I mean come on she is great and so kind but delicate is another story, she is no where near delicate; that woman is as tough as solid steel. We have bonded so much over the past week.

We even went shopping and I actually had fun when it was just me, her, Temari, and Yuki. She also helped me make the cloak I’m going to use for the talent show and yes she is one of the few people that know and she is going to come for the talent show that is two weeks from now and help me with my hair. I won’t tell anyone else about it, they’ll find out during the talent show, but will probably already think I’m in it to show off my voice.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I also taught Karura how to make a bunch of American food because she wanted to learn. I haven’t seen any of my other friends this week though and I’m worried about my ‘brothers’ and new ‘sister’, A.K.A Suigetsu and Juugo are my ‘brothers’ and Karin is my new ‘sister’. Suigetsu and Juugo are extended family because of how close we are and since Karin is mated to Suigetsu it makes her my sister.

Karura also knows about what happened to my parents and my eyes turning red. Even though she believes that the prophecy is real she was still quite shocked, but nobody knows if I’m the person from the prophecy or if it’s just my family’s genes.

We’ll find out when I get mated to Gaara and turned. Speaking of me being mated I still don’t know when that will happen; I’m still a skittish around fangs. Call me a cry baby all you want. I may be brave and all that but you try having a vampire almost bite into your neck and kill you when you’re thirteen and we’ll see if you aren’t still at least a little skittish around fangs.

I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a soft knock at the door. I quickly and quietly slip out of bed and answer the door. I open the door and see my little brother looking at me.

“I’m guessing you can’t sleep either.” I state he nods. “Okay. Come on let’s go to your room and I’ll sing your favorite lullaby.” He nods. I grab my back pack and come out of my room and walk with Burt to his.

You see this is both of our favorite lullabies. Our mother used to sing this to both of us when we were little. She taught me and Burt how to play this song on the piano, violin, and the flute play all of these at the correct time and sing and you have the lullaby. Before she died Burt and I played the song I was ten at the time and Burt was five. I was singing and playing the piano and Burt was playing the violin and the flute and we recorded one with just the music and one with the music and me singing and made four copies each, one for me, one for Burt, one for mom, and one for dad. When mom and dad died we buried their copies with them.

Once we’re in there I set my backpack down and get out a recording box. I go tuck Burt in lying next to him and press play the soft piano music that I know all to well comes on. I grabbed the one with just the music and started to sing in a high yet soft pitch.

“Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of green, a moon beam ray
Forget your woes, and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away

Here it's safe, and here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet, and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you

Here is the place where I love you.”

When I was done singing I felt a tear gently glide down my face and I looked at Burt to see him asleep but kept listening to the music and fell asleep before the music was finished.

~Gaara’s P.O.V. ~

I woke up to soft knock but kept my eyes closed. I heard Elizabeth and Burt talking and a lullaby after she left the room I followed them to Burt’s room. I crack the door open and watch as Elizabeth grabs a recorder and lies down next to Burt. I close my eyes and listen as the soft piano music start. Then Elizabeth starts to sing in a pitch I never thought she could do, but it was relaxing.

I looked at Elizabeth when she stops singing and see her falling asleep. I gently shut the door and go back to our room and slowly fall back asleep replaying the song she sung.

~Elizabeth’s P.O.V. ~

I woke up to a flash and a clicking sound. I look around to see I was still in my little brother’s room with an arm around him. I look at the door to see Temari, Shikamaru, Yuki, Kankuro, and Karura standing there, Karura’s holding a camera with an awe face along with the other girls. I slowly get out of bed, careful not to wake my sleeping brother and walk towards them pushing them out of the room and into the hallway.

“What were you guys doing taking pictures of my sleeping brother and me?” I ask.

“Well you two looked so cute I couldn’t resist. But what were you doing in his room?” Karura asks.

“He couldn’t sleep last night so he came to me so I sang him our favorite lullaby and I guess I fell asleep too.” I answered walking to my room to do my morning routine, Gaara was still asleep. After I finished that I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. Karura is leaving and today we go back to school. After we see Karura off we go to school me on my motorcycle as usual.

When we get to school we’re early and see our friends. I smile as I see Suigetsu and Karin, I see Juugo not to far away from them. I get out the recorder with me singing and pressed play. As it started playing Suigetsu and Juugo’s head snapped to me and they come over to me with a confused Karin not to far behind.

“I haven’t heard that song in a while, Elizabeth.” Suigetsu said listening to my little 10 year old voice.

“Yeah, I know.” I said.

“Who’s singing that? Her voice is amazing.” Karin asks.

“I’m the one who’s singing and thanks, sis.” I said. Her eyes widen.

“How old were you?” She asks.

“Ten.” I answered. After the song finishes I pull out the one from last night and start singing again. When I’m done I notice all of my friends are around me looking amazed except Suigetsu, Juugo, and Gaara, probably by my high pitch when I usually have a lower voice.

“I didn’t know you could sing that… high.” Sakura said.

“I know.” I said smirking. “I guess the saying is true ‘you learn something new everyday.’” I said. “Well we better head off to class.” And with that said another week of school started.

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