The ancient prophecy and the slore's change

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It's Monday. I wake up and feel arms around my waist and know its Gaara's arms. I learned on my first night here that he is a cuddler. Surprising, yes, but I don't mind. Get out of his arms and go to the bathroom for my morning routine, the only thing I do differently now is I don't have to cook, but I do it when I want.

After my shower is over I put on my normal built in bra tank top, jeans, this time I put on a leather jacket. I forgot to mention I love leather as well as anime. I go out of my room and went to Burt's to give him his meds and wake him up.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and made pancakes, bacon, sausage, and scrambled eggs. I don't know why but I still cook, even though they have maids to do it, I just love to cook. Plus when the maids cook it doesn't taste as good.

I finish cooking and look at the counter to see everyone there waiting. I smile and set plates up for them. I sit down with my plate next to Gaara and start to eat.

"I still don't get it. We have chefs to cook for us and you but you still cook. Why?" Temi (Temari's nickname) asks me.

"I love to cook, simple as that. My mom taught me how to, so when I cook or bake I feel like I'm in the kitchen cooking with her again." I explain to her with a shrug she nods and we go back to eating silently.

After eating we all go to the garage. Burt said he was going to ride to school with Temari and left with her. Since I got here Gaara and I got to know each other over the weekend and he found out about my love of motorcycles, particularly the Harley Davidson. So he got me one.

I loved it; it looked like the walls of my room in my old house, blood red with black roses on them. I put my hair up in the helmet, and put the dark tinted glass thingy in front to protect my eyes. I reeve it up and listen to her purr for a minute then take off to school.

I was at the school in 20 minutes. I pull into the parking lot next to Suigetsu who is staring in awe at my baby (my motorcycle) along with the rest of my friends except for Gaara, Kankuro and Temari.

"That is one awesome ride you got there, bro." Suigetsu said to me. I almost laughed when he called me 'bro' but kept it in and took off my helmet.

"Dude I'm a girl and you're best friend." I said. He looks at me and his face was priceless. "What? I always told you that I would have a Harley one day and how much I love them." He nods and grins at me pulling me into a hug, of course I hug back. I look over his shoulder and see the slore is back.

"Well, well, well. Lookie here, it's the bitch and her little crew." Karin sneered. Suigetsu snaps his head around to look at the slore but freezes. What the hell? Karin looks at me then to Suigetsu and freezes as well. Again. What the hell? They just keep staring at each other.

"Get the hell away slore." I glare at her. It seems that broke her out of her trance. She huffs, turns on her heel, and walks away. I'm so confused at this point it ain't funny. "Well Suigetsu I guess you just met the slore of the school Karin. You've been lucky she's been out sick when you came." I tell him, he looks at me and nods. Some things off about him.

I shrug it off for now. We all head inside and go to our class rooms. Gaara, Ino, Suigetsu, Juugo, Sakura, and I head to our first period, which is our free period. We all talk in until the bell rings and Ino, Gaara, Temari, Suigetsu, Juugo, Shikamaru and I are off to music.

We had to sing again, this will be the first time that Suigetsu and Juugo heard me sing since the attack. I stopped singing in front of everybody but my brother and Mrs. Johnson, so their pretty excited.

Everybody was called up before me again. Ino played 'X's and O's by Trisha Yearwood' she was very good. This time Temari and Shikamaru paired up and played 'Picture by Kid Rock with Sheryl Crow' they were amazing, I say it again Shikamaru has got a blues voice from hell. Gaara played 'Sharp Dressed Man by ZZtop' he rocked it. Suigetsu and Juugo also paired up and did 'Honky Tonk Stomp by Brooks and Dunn' they were great. It was my turn and I was playing 'When you say nothing at all by Alison Krauss'

Play the song on the side.

"It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart,
Without saying a word you can light up the dark,
Try as I may I could never explain,
What I hear when you don't say a thing,

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me,
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me,
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall,
You say it best when you say nothing at all,

All day long I can hear people talking out loud,
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd,
Old Mr. Webster could never define,
What's being said between your heart and mine,

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me,
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me,
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall,
You say it best when you say nothing at all,

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me,
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me,
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall,
You say it best when you say nothing at all."

I finish singing and look around to see everybody looking at me in awe. I shake my head and start heading to my friends when Konan-sensei stopped me.

"Elizabeth can I see you after class?" She asks, I nod my head and a few minutes later the bell rings and everybody's out the door. "Elizabeth, there is going to be a talent show next month, students can sign up and participate in it, so the school can raise money for after school clubs. It would be great if you can participate." She tells me. I can't turn her down, I mean I literally can't she is so kind like mom was. I sigh and nod.

"Sure. I will sing and dance. Dancing may push my limits but I'll do it." I told her, she smiles and hugs me saying 'thank you'.

"I'll sign you up then. Oh here I'll write you a slip for being late for Sasori." She says and turns around I look at her and smile sadly remembering my mom, I quickly put a fake happy smile when she turns around. "Here you go. You better be off to class now." I nod and leave.

Once I get to Sasori-sensei's class I give him my slip and sit down in my seat getting questioning stares from my friends but I ignore them. The period went by and we met went to lunch. We get our food and sit down.

"Hey Elizabeth, you'll never believe it. I found my mate." Suigetsu said. I look at him and smile.

"Well who is the unlucky girl?" I tease Suigetsu glares playfully at me. The others except Juugo look at me like I grew an extra head. They've never seen me tease someone.

"Hey! I'm hot and you know it."

"I never said that. I said she was unlucky to get you, 'cause now I'm going to have a talk with her." I tell him smirking my devious smirk, Suigetsu's eyes widen.

"Ok I feel bad for her now." Juugo cuts in, Suigetsu nods in agreement.

"So seriously who is she?" I ask.

"The red headed human with glassed." He said my eyes widen.

"Oh, now I definitely need to have a talk with that bitchy slut."

"Why?" Juugo questions. I'm glad the others are staying quiet.

"Suigetsu, she is a slut and she's tried to kill me several times and tries to intimidate me." I tell them. Suigetsu has wide eyes mouth gaping, Juugo is laughing.

"She tried to intimidate you. That's impossible." Juugo said still snickering. I look behind me to see Karin staring at Suigetsu and turned to Suigetsu to see him staring back. I sighed

"Suigetsu, you know I want you to be happy, if she's your mate I won't stand in the way all I want is for her to stop being a bitchy slore. If she does that I'll let everything she's done to me and my friends go." I tell him, Suigetsu looks happy. "But so help me if she hurts you I'll torture her so bad Hell will look like a spa!" I add, he nods.

"Really! You'll let it go just like that!" Ino yells. I nod.

"It's his happiness. I won't lose my best friend because I hate something that's out of our control." I explain she nods understanding my logic. After that the subject is dropped.

I sighed again, got up, and grabbed Suigetsu's arm dragging him with me without a word. I feel my friends' curious stares burning holes in my head. I drag him over to Karin.

"Karin this is Suigetsu, Suigetsu this is Karin and I'm sure you both already know what I was just informed of." I Say raising an eyebrow at Karin she nods at me. "Good. But before we get into any of the mate stuff I need to have a talk with you Karin." I sat down and glared down at glared at her, Suigetsu stands behind me silently. "If you hurt Suigetsu in any way, shape, or form, I'll hunt you down, Gorilla glue your shit shut and staple it to make sure it stays shut, and then I'll torture you in ways that make Hell seem like paradise. Got it." I say in a low, monotonous,  icy tone she nods her head frantically, I drop the glare and smile sweetly. "Good now if you stop acting like you have been and apologize to my friends, then I'll fully accept you, but you'll have to make it up to everyone else." I finish she nods again. "Good. Now I'll leave you two alone." I said then got up and left back to the others without Suigetsu.

"What were you doing?!" Sakura asked.

"I did what would make Suigetsu happy and give me peace of mind." I said. They all looked confused. "I introduced them, threatened Karin, and let them talk to each other." I explained they nod.

Weapons class was awesome still. While I was practicing with the weapons I was deep I thought, thinking of the things I'm doing for the talent show. It's a good thing I'm flexible. Once I was done thinking the bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and left to History. I got there and sat down when Asuma-sensei walked in.

"Ok class today I'm going to teach you all about the prophecy." He starts.

"Legend says that right before the last supernatural king died he said that one day a human will be born that when beyond angry they're eyes will turn red and they will be as twice as strong and fast as a werewolf and vampire combined, and they and there mate will be the next paranormal rulers.

They also say that the human will be like no other. The prophecy child can not be marked by force it has to be by their choice, any who try to mate that person will be killed by the prophecy child's blood. The last paranormal king said with his last breath that the prophecy will be the reincarnation of his unborn child that died with its mother in an assassination." Asuma finishes. I gape at him a million things about this running through my head.

"Ok class is there any questions?" I didn't raise my hand but I stopped gaping.

 I'll look in the library at the mansion for a book about this. I hear the bell ring and I walked out of the class room and head to art. Kurenai-sensei said we had to sketch and paint again. I didn't pay attention to what I was doing. When I finally snapped out of my daze I looked to see I had a finished painting of a vampire woman and a werewolf man that looked to be transparent.

The vampire woman had high cheek bones and a heart shaped face long flowing wavy brown hair that goes to her knees. Wearing a sparkly royal purple dress that goes down to the floor with a slit up the front of her right leg and a tiara on her head. A slender hour glass figure. A gentle smile on her face and a warm loving look in her forest green eyes, she was holding the hand of the werewolf man.

The werewolf man was buff and very handsome. He had red hair, and a rather chiseled face. He had a proud and loving look in his stormy grey eyes that looked as thought they were looking into your soul. He was wearing royal clothes and was also smiling. They both look like their looking at me. The funny thing is I didn't know who they were.

As I snapped out of my daze the bell rings leaving me wondering why I drew something I'd never seen before. I shrug it off and head to Calculus. I met up with my friends and sat down I see Karin sit next to Suigetsu and talk to him. Calculus was so hard because Minato-sensei gave us a pop quiz, damn. After the Torture called Calculus was over it was Time for Gym, yay, note heavy sarcasm.

I know I'm gonna sing and dance at the talent show and really push my legs really far but I'll be damned if I let Konan-sensei down. Like I said before she reminds me so much of my mother calm, quiet, and kind, but when you get her angry there will be hell to pay.

 I don't even have to practice because I know I will get it right but the day before the talent show I'll do a run over of the dance to make sure. Although I know my friends will be pissed at me when I'm done and I won't be able to move for a while, it'll be worth it in the long run.

So deep in thought I didn't even sense someone sit next to me until they tap on my shoulder. I didn't jump or flinch just tensed. I look next to me and see Karin.

"Yes Karin." I said.

"What's up? I asked Suigetsu but he didn't know so I came to ask you." Was her reply.

"I have a lot of things running through my mind right now. Things to do with my MS, the things we learned in History today, and the talent show that's coming up next month."

"There's a talent show next month?"

"Yeah, I guess it hasn't been announced to the students yet. It should be announced by next week then."

"So how do you know about it?"

"Konan-sensei kept me after class in music and told me she wants me in it and told me."

"Ok. That answers all of my questions thanks. I'll see you later."

"See you." And with me saying that she left me.

For the rest of class I think about my routine that would be impossible for people without martial arts and ballet training. Yes I said ballet, I only did it because my martial arts instructor said it would be good for my training and he was right. I was a natural at ballet with my natural flexibility and it did help me with my balance and to be graceful with my moves.  I eventually grew to love the way of the dance, and when my ballet instructor referred me to her tumbling and gymnastics instructor friends. I happily agreed and took to both like a duck to water.

I know I need to figure out this prophecy thing. If what Asuma-sensei said was true and this prophecy thing is real, then-.

RING. The school bell interrupted my thoughts. I sighed and left to the parking lot. Once there I asked Temari if she was gonna pick Burt she said yes, so I went to my baby (My motorcycle) and put my helmet on and got on my bike and started to drive to the mansion.

Once I got there I parked and headed straight to the library. Yes I know my way around this huge five story mansion with a basement and an attic plus the attachment garage that's next to it that's only one story. They have a lot of cars though, but they didn't have any motorcycles before I came.

The library was pretty big too. I mean it takes the entire fifth story its self, so yeah, it's big. I start looking for a book on the supernatural king. I look through four shelves before I find it. It was a big book I go to one of the table and sit down. I open the book to the index to find the last one. After I flip to the page I start to read.

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