Chapter 18: Bambi's Revenge

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My head is swimming as I slightly open my eyes, attempting to take in my surroundings

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My head is swimming as I slightly open my eyes, attempting to take in my surroundings. Everything is blurry and I feel myself floating, rocking back and forth. Warmth radiates from behind me and I lean further into it, attempting to relieve the cold that's shaking my body. I can vaguely hear voices that surround me, knowing they sound familiar, but I can't place them.

"She's been out for a long time. How hard did you hit her with that rock?"

"Oh please, I barely hit her. I'm sure she's still out because you were wrong and Merenin is not the plant we needed. At least now she's quiet."

Something small and soft brushes my forehead. "Mordecai, she's still burning up, and what will happen if she falls off of the horse?"

"I know Mel. It'll be okay. I've got her and I'm monitoring her. I won't let anything happen. I promise."

I drift back into sleep.

An unpleasant raddling clacks the inside of my skull, like a thousand little bricks are being flung at my brain

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An unpleasant raddling clacks the inside of my skull, like a thousand little bricks are being flung at my brain. Looking around, I find that my blue blanket encases me and I'm laid out on my bed roll. My stomach begins to feel uneasy upon the revelation that this is not the camp we were last set up at and the panic I incur from this realization makes me jolt up, an action that I regret instantly. As I bring my hand up to steady my beating head, the 115 on my wrist catches my eye. The realization that so much time had passed that I couldn't account for scares me and I immediately call out. "Cai? Mel? Madoc?" When I don't hear an immediate response I add on, "For god's sake, I'll even take Alvina right now!"

A rush of footsteps comes up behind me and I turn to see a very concerned looking Mel. "Oh my gods, Agni! Are you okay? You scared me to death. I thought you were going to die!"

Following behind her is an unbothered Alvina. "Don't be dramatic. There's no way we were getting that lucky."

I rub my throbbing temples and close my eyes, already finding this conversation aversive. "What happened? Where are Cai and Doc?" Vague memories of snakes and elbows swim in my mind, but I have trouble sorting them all.

"They went to find more Merenin and some fresh water to clean your head."

"Clean my head? Why would I-" I wince as my hand touches a sore gash on the back of my scull. "Why do I have a cut on my head? Did someone whack me over the head with a rock or something?"

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