Chapter 23: Duck

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I'm gonna hurl

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I'm gonna hurl. Like full on, Pitch Perfect, barf all over the front row, hurl. I don't know what that scream meant, but it can't be good. I'm almost to camp after I convince myself not to turn around. I mean really? What help would I be? As much as I don't want Cai to be out there alone, I'm not the one who's going to help him. I shove the map in my bra, sure that it's going to mess with the integrity of it, but needing my other hand more.


All three of them jump up just as I enter the camp. Panicked tears enter my eyes and I'm sure I look like a woman possessed with my flowing red hair in disarray and crazed eyes. "Cai!"

Madoc looks calm as he comes over to me and touches my arm. "Agni, dear, calm down."

My hands are shaking uncontrollably and I can't help my tone when I look at him. "Shut the hell up Doc! Cai is dying! I don't have time to calm down!"

Assuming all three of them are following me, I turn around and run back. I don't have time for this standing around and explaining bullshit.

While we're running Alvina shouts, "What in the gods is going on Agni?"

"Three wolves." I'm panting heavily in between sentences. "Big wolves, red eyes."

Tink suddenly shouts, "To the left!" Just as she does, a big black wolf leaps out of the brush and straight for me. Its claws make contact, slashing me in the arm. But, before it can sink its teeth in, a small tree shoots up from the ground and knocks it in the snout. I look over at Tink who looks slightly shocked and horrified, staring at her extended palm. I make a note to tell her how much cooler that is than her previous tricks.

Madoc quickly comes to my side and draws his blade. "Agni and Alvina, go! We've got this."

It's not like I need any encouraging to follow his direction, but I run faster than I ever have in my life toward the clearing. Time feels like it isn't moving. My heart is attempting to break through my chest, and no matter how much I try and tell it to chill the fuck out, it won't listen. It's obviously communicating with my brain saying, 'Let's bang against Agni's extremities. Maybe she doesn't know how dire this situation is.'

My legs start to burn, like acid has been injected into my blood. I push through it, reminding myself this isn't the gym and I can't just stop the treadmill. Come to mention it, I really regret not going to the gym more.

An entire lifetime later, we burst through the clearing and my eyes are immediately drawn to the blood that paints the grass like a three year old's art project.

My heart stops when I see Cai covered in blood. It's smeared down his cheek and dripping down his arm. I can't asses his injuries from far away, but it's pretty clear that he's taken a beating. To be fair, the demonic wolves don't look much better.

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