Pokemon Contest Rules and Regulations

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(A/N: Disclaimer: This is a set of rules and regulations for the those in this fanfic to be Pokemon Coordinators. These sets of rules and regulations are different than the previous chapter since these are for the Pokemon Contests. Anyways Coordinators will receive this once they get their Contest Pass, Coordinator I.D., Ribbon Case, and compete in their first contest. This will explain how Pokemon Contests works and how a Coordinator can get their license revoked. The image used for this chapter and the one before this are from Bulbapedia. This is the last story-building chapter before the main story comes out. Hope you enjoy the story soon.)

Hello people of the Kalos region! This is an announcement to all Trainers who wants to be a Pokemon Coordinator. For years, Pokemon Contests only been in the Hoenn, Kanto, Sinnoh, and Unova regions, with an exception of last year when there was a Contest run in Kalos, but now for the second year, the Pokemon Contest Association decided that it Kalos time to shine. For those who don't like battling and want to shine, they could see this as a peaceful alternative. For those who wants to the League run and the Pokemon Contest run at the same time, this will help them hone their skills as they prepare to do both. Coordinators who got five Contest RIbbons will be able to compete in the Kalos Grand Festival at the edge of the Victory Road, using the same stadium as the Mega Bonds Conference(for more info about the Conference, read the previous chapter for those who haven't read the previous chapters or those who are confuse). This will take place over the course of two to three weeks with a one week break between the Grand Festival and the Mega Bonds Conference. The winner of the Grand Festival will become the Top Coordinator of Kalos and get the title of Kalos Prince or King/Princess or Queen(depending on the gender of the Coordinator who wins and based on their skill division) and earned the Ribbon Cup. Time to set down the rules and regulations of being a Coordinator and how Pokemon Contests will work in Kalos for beginners and and experts wanting to win. There will also be a skill division like the Mega Bonds Conference except there will be two instead of three. Mega Evolution can be used in Contests since it will a lot of popularity to it and help make our job of making more Contests in the future so much easier. The Contests will have three judges on the panel: Rachel Sycamore, the wife of Prof. Sycamore, Mr. Contesta, the head of Pokemon Contests, and Palermo Yashio, who helped trained Aria Elle, our current Top Coordinator and Kalos Queen from last year's Grand Festival. All Contests will be hosted by Dawn Hikari, the Champion and Top Coordinator of the Sinnoh Region, sometimes, and Monsieur Pierre for every single one. Without further ado, here are the rules and regulations.


Here are the rules of being a Coordinator. Trainers wishing to pursue this passion must follow these rules if they want to be able to become the next Top Coordinator of the Kalos region and represent Kalos whenever it involves Pokemon Contests. Contests are gender-neutral so both males and females can compete. Here are the following:

Rule #1: Registration:

Coordinators who wants to enter the Grand Festival must have five ribbons to qualify. In order to even begin collecting ribbons, they must have a Contest Pass and a Coordinator I.D. For those who are beginners, they could get a Contest Pass at any Contest Hall they are at for their first Contest and they just need to show their Trainer I.D. in order to get a Coordinator I.D. They will also get a Ribbon Case to put any Ribbons they won in Pokemon Contests in(similar to Badge Cases). Coordinators that are from other regions must update their Coordinator I.D. to include their Kalos Contest run while getting a new Contest Pass and Ribbon Case for the Kalos Contest run. Due to the fact that Contest Passes last for the Contest run of the year, if Coordinators plan to compete again the next year, they need to renew their Contest Passes. A fake Contest Pass and Coordinator I.D. will result in being disqualified from being able to compete in the circuit.

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