Special Chapter 6: Dustin's Journal Entry #3

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(A/N: Disclaimer: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the triple special chapters treat. And, it's time for an end of a certain trilogy. Yes, folks, time to say farewell to Dusty...but not Hoopa. He'll be popping up in the next arc, along with the arcs afterward, albeit as a cameo for now.

However, this isn't the last time Dusty will be seen. He'll be in the main story at some point, and as a recurring character. In what condition, though, that'll be seen, though this chapter will lay the groundwork for said condition.

Finally, this chapter will be the debut of a certain...person of interest for Lysandre. Just keep an eye out for anyone who is as tall as a Seviper if it was stretched out and standing up.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter. Please vote and comment. All images are from Bulbapedia and Seribii.net and all music are from YouTube and their respective owners.

P.S. First time I'll do this, but content warning/trigger warning: this chapter will contain moment of Pokemon abuse, brutalization and kidnapping/implied torture at the end. If these are not things you can handle while reading, then feel free to skip this chapter{I won't judge} and I'll provide a summary of the chapter without the aforementioned triggers/content mentioned.)

September 8th, 2019-???, Kalos Region

It was a silent night, if one ignore the sounds of rain and thunder. That silence was cutted off via ring appearing out of thin air, opening up a portal.

A tiny being rushed through the portal, narrowing avoiding a barrage of Dark, Ghost and Fire-Type attacks that came out of the ring shortly after. The being held up one arm, causing the portal to close as the ring shrunk and wrapped itself around the being's arm.

Panting heavily, the being took a moment to gather itself, as it look at its surroundings, as if to make sure it was safe. Once it made sure that the area was clear, it turned around and floated in one direction, as if heading to somewhere specific.

The being was covered in various injuries, ranging from bruises to cuts, and its vision was blurred with a mixture of rainwater and tears. And yet, it ignore the injuries and the blurred vision, as it headed in the path it had taken.

In its arm, clutched tightly against its body, both to keep it from getting drenched and for comfort, was a small bag with a couple of stuff poking out: a genie lamp-like object and a book. The book had a mostly covered up note on it. The note reads -o Light, read-.

"...I'm sorry, Dusty. I wasn't strong enough to fight them off and you-" the being said as lightning lights up, illuminating the being for a moment before the area was dark once more.

For that moment, the lightning showed a brutalized, barely conscious Hoopa. And his current goal? Putting as much distance between himself and...them as possible while locating the son of his human companion, Dusty.

After that, well, that's not important. What is important is where did it all go wrong? How did things get downhill when, just a few days prior, everything seem to be looking up for the duo?

4 Days Ago-September 4th, 2019-Snowbelle City-1:30 P.M.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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