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It's been two years since Tony told Grace about her mother. Since then, she's only asked about her once — she wanted to know what her name was. Tony said it wasn't important. (He does remember it, but, really, it's not. Knowing it would just make her think about her more.)

She's also grown a foot — at least — and convinced Tony to let her have bangs. Just like Pepper's, though she never explicitly said that. It makes them look alike enough that he can almost pretend that Pepper's her biological mom when he sees them together. In every other way, she already is.

Grace's art "phase" didn't go away, either, and she's gotten pretty good at painting. She's entered her reading phase, too, though Tony suspects that won't go away either.

It's been two, great years of chocolate chip pancakes, Disney movies, periodic excursions outside, and self defense lessons. And that's just with Grace. His relationship with Pepper is thriving.

The company is, too. He's developed Stark Energy Reactors, and the tower he's built in New York is now being powered by it — clean energy. In his Iron Man suit, with Pepper's help, he's just turned it on.

He comes back to Stark Tower and, as he takes off the suit, Jarvis informs him that Agent Coulson is calling him. He tells him to ignore it; he's got a date with Pepper.

They drink champagne, talking in their usual banter-y way. Grace is upstairs, decorating her new room. Stark Tower is now her, Pepper, and Tony's second home.

The date doesn't last long. Coulson overrides Jarvis' protocols. His voice rings throughout the room as his face appears on Tony's phone. "Stark, we need to talk."

Tony picks up the phone, looking at him. In an attempt to impersonate an automated voice, he says, "You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark; please leave a message." Pepper laughs.

"This is urgent," Coulson replies.

"Then leave it urgently." At that moment, the elevator doors behind Pepper open, and Coulson steps out. Tony says, "Security breach," then looks at Pepper. "That's on you."

"Mr. Stark," Coulson says.

Pepper smiles, getting up to greet him. "Phil, come in."

"Phil?" Tony asks. "Uh, his first name is Agent."

Pepper ignores him. "Grace is upstairs, if you want me to call her down. I'm sure she'd love to see you-"

"I'm sorry to say, but I can't stay-"

"Oh, look at him, he's rhyming," Tony interrupts.

Coulson continues, holding out a file to him. "We need you to look this over. ASAP."

Tony shakes his head a little. "I don't like to be handed things-"

"That's fine," Pepper says, "'cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade." She hands Couldon the champagne glass she's holding and takes the file, then takes Tony's champagne glass and hands him the file. She takes a drink out of Tony's glass. "Thank you."

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday," Tony says to Coulson.

He replies, "This isn't a consultation."

Pepper perks up. "Is this about the Avengers?" Coulson gives her a look. "Which... I know nothing about."

Tony snorts, walking away. "The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought — and I didn't even qualify."

"I didn't know that either," Pepper adds.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, and don't play well with others."

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