Fifty Nine

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After kissing a second time, they soon realized how late it was, and Peter knew that he had to leave, though he didn't want to. But Grace insisted, not wanting May to worry about him even though she wanted him to stay, too.

But Peter stalled, kissing her as he picked up his mask, as they stood, then as he moved toward the railing. He went over it, then held onto it and leaned forward to kiss her again. Grace laughed when his lips weren't on hers.

"Peter, you know you can't stay forever," she said, but her hands were resting on top of his on the railing at the time.

He smiled a little. "I know; that's why I'm trying to savor every moment."

Grace blushed at that, then kissed him again, longer than the ones he'd been stealing before. She pulled away slowly, then chuckled at the dreamy look on his face. "Alright, Spider-Boy. It's time."

He sighed, frowning a little. "I know."

"Call me tomorrow?" Grace said, successfully bringing the smile back to his face.

"Definitely," he replied, stealing one last kiss before he put on his mask and swung away, waving back at her from a distance and nearly crashing into the side of a building.

She laughed as she turned to go back in, picking the postcard off the ground where she'd left it. The monument itself was beautiful, of course, but the writing on the back was what mattered. She traced the written heart with her finger, her smile widening.

Then, she went inside and grabbed her phone, calling Harley. She never thought she'd be one to kiss and tell, but this was huge. She had to tell somebody — and, thankfully, Harley answered his phone.

"So, remember when you mentioned Spider-Man sneaking onto my balcony...?"


Peter called Ned that night and told him what happened, as he simply couldn't keep quiet about it. He kissed Grace. It was huge.

Ned was super excited for him, of course, and then he asked if that meant that Peter and Grace were dating.

And Peter had no clue.

"I mean, neither of us said anything about it..."

"Then, call and ask her," Ned replied simply.

"But what if she says no?"

"You can't just go on not knowing something like that. And, honestly, I don't think she'd say no, anyway. Why would she?"

Peter didn't know the answer to that either. "I mean... I don't know."

"Then call her."

"I can't right now," Peter argued. "She's probably asleep. I'll call her tomorrow."

But Peter had — and has — something else on his mind, too. She really doesn't have a reason to say no, unless she suddenly decides that she doesn't like him anymore, which, while it's a scary thought, isn't likely. However, there's a reason she doesn't actually have yet.

Peter lied to her.

He promised her he would leave the vulture guy and all of that alone, and he didn't. His friends almost got hurt, or, sickeningly, worse, because of it. Ned, especially.

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