Ninety Four

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Grace, fighting with Peter, then hears Clint over comms. "Cap, what do you want me to do with this thing?!"

"Get those Stones as far away as possible!" Steve shouts.

Grace stops, flying into the air, searching for Clint and the gauntlet. "No! We need to get them back where they came from!"

"No way to get them back," Tony says, causing her heart to drop, guilt to start eating at her as she thinks of the Ancient One. "Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel."

And then Scott rekindles her hopes. "Hold on! That wasn't our only time machine." A second later, Grace hears a car horn honking to the tune of La Cucaracha.

"Anyone see an ugly, brown van up there?" Steve suddenly asks.

"Yes!" a woman with a British accent shouts. "But you're not gonna like where it's parked!"

Grace looks at Peter. "You good here?"

He nods in the midst of fighting. "I got it. You go help save the universe."

She laughs before flying off, saying, "You're helping, too."

Over comms, her father asks, "Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?"

"Maybe ten minutes," he replies.

"Get it started," Steve instructs. "We'll get the Stones to you."

"We're on it, Cap," a female voice responds. Grace begins searching for the Stones, having to fight on her way.

Tony, meanwhile, spots Strange due to the very visible magic he's using, and he lands next to him.

"Hey," Tony says, his helmet retracting. "You said one out of fourteen million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it."

Strange shakes his head. "If I tell you what happens, it won't happen."

Tony sighs. "You better be right."

Grace, from up above, doesn't find the gauntlet until she hears T'Challa over comms. "Clint! Give it to me." She knows where he is as he just landed with a wide burst of purple energy, making him easy to spot, and she flies over to him as he takes off, gauntlet in hand.

"I got you from up here, King T'Challa," Grace says, following him, helping to keep Thanos' army off him.

"Thanks, Stark," he replies, just before landing in another burst of purple energy.

But that's when it gets a bit hairy, as Thanos hits T'Challa with his blade from a distance — too far away from Grace to prevent or even see coming — knocking the gauntlet out of his hands. Grace flies down for it, grabbing it even as enemies swarm.

In her peripheral vision, while fighting off the army, gauntlet in one hand, she sees Wanda land in a powerful cloud of red in between T'Challa and Thanos.

"You took everything from me," she spits.

Thanos doesn't look scared, though Grace knows he should. Instead, he says, "I don't even know who you are."

"You will," Wanda replies, and she makes good on that, her hands radiating power, lifting two chunks of great debris and herself. She throws the debris at Thanos, then lands hard, hitting him with jabs of power, knocking him to the ground. Now above, Grace sees as he grabs his blade, and Wanda continues fighting him, fueled by anger.

"Stark!" T'Challa says, now smartly further away from the fight. "Give me the gauntlet; we need to keep it moving!" Grace flies lower down to the ground to give it to him, but then she's lifted up by an unseen force.

Saving GraceWhere stories live. Discover now