Fifty Three

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When Peter got home, he called Ned and told him everything, rambling on and on about Grace and how amazing she is. Ned said it seemed like she liked him too, and Peter had to admit that it really did. Though, he didn't want to get his hopes up in case he was wrong.

But then Ned said there was no way he could be wrong, especially once he heard what her answer was to, "What makes a good face for drawing?" But, still, better safe than sorry.

Peter texted her throughout the day — starting with a good morning text. She told him about the book she was reading, and Peter thought it was cute how she started to text him all about it, basically describing the plot to him, making it pointless for him to actually read it himself — though, it wouldn't be as good as Grace's version anyway, he knew.

He later told her he would call her after the party to tell her how it went, as he's forgoing Spider-Man duties this evening.

And, when May pulls up to Liz's loud, crowded house, he starts to wish that he was out fighting some mugger in a dirty alley somewhere instead.

"House party in the suburbs," May says. "Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous."

Ned smiles from his spot in the backseat. "It'll be a night to remember."

May laughs and looks back at him. "Ned, some hats wear men. You wear that hat."

Ned smiles wider. "Yeah, it gives me confidence."

Peter's looking out the window, barely listening. His stomach is a bundle of nerves. He wishes Grace were here. It would give him a reason to actually want to go in, for starters. He sighs. "This is a mistake. Let's just go home."

May frowns, reaching over to put a hand on a his shoulder and causing him to look at her. "Oh, Peter. I know. I know it's really hard trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through. It's flowering now."

At first, he was confused, but the last sentence made him realize that May was joking. He laughs a little, though it's more sarcastic than anything. "Uh-huh."

May looks back at Ned, shaking her head. "He's so stressed out lately."

"What helps with stress is going to a party," Ned says. "Ergo, we should go to the party."

Peter sighs. He has to do this for Ned. What kind of friend would he be if he didn't? He opens the door. "Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go."

"Peter," May says, stopping him when he's halfway out of the car. He turns, waiting for her to speak. "Have fun, okay?"

Peter nods. "I will."


Ned, from the sidewalk, waves. "Bye, May!"

She waves back, and he and Peter start making their way up the lit-up walk to the front door. Probably about fifty kids are milling about on the lawn outside. Peter hates to think of crowd inside.

"Dude, you have the suit, right?" Ned asks. In response, Peter pulls up his sleeve, showing Ned that the suit is on under his clothes. Ned smiles. "This is gonna change our lives."

They open the door and step inside to loud music and a large crowd. From the DJ station, the DJ shouts, "Check it!"

An automated, deepened voice emanates from the speakers. "D-D-D-D-DJ Flash!"

Ned turns to Peter as they walk deeper into the house. "Okay. We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in, say hi to me and give me a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs, and then ask where you are to show you guys are tight."

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