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I was washing my hands when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I obviously knew it was colby, so I didn't say anything. He placed two kisses on my neck. "Wanna have a movie night tonight baby," he said softly.

"sure," I answered "that would be nice, we haven't done that in a while," I said drying my hands and facing him.

"put your pj's on at 6."

"ok bubba." I we're excited to be doing this because I loved hanging out with colby and watching movies.

I walked away to get your phone and colby followed me. We both sat on the couch on our phones cuddling. Colby then started laughing and I looked at his phone and it was some girl falling! I smiled at colbys laugh. He then looked at me and kissed your cheek. "I love you," he said. "love you to bubba." I replied not looking up from my phone.

"hey look at me." he whined

"wait a second please." I said concentrated on the tiktok I were watching. "babe, stop looking at tiktok and embrace me," He said taking my phone from me.

I looked up at him and kissed him, slowly grabbed my phone from his hands then went back to the video. He kissed me one more time then went to out shared bedroom.

*Time Passed to 5:45 p.m.*

I was putting on my pj's when colby came in and smacked my butt! I jumped a little because I didn't really see him come in. "sorry I had to do that," he said taking off his shirt and jeans and putting on his basketball shorts then going back to the living room.

"what movie are we watching," I asked while sitting next to Colby. "I was think something scary, like a horror movie." He said excited. I looked at him like he was crazy. I hate watching scary movies at night. I can only watch them in the daytime. "Well..... That's not gonna end well when i'm crying in the middle of the night from a nightmare!" I said looking at him nervously. "Come on you'll be fine I promise!" He explained!

"Ok, fine". I said. He picked the movie It. Great now i'll be scared of clowns for a while!!

*30 minutes later*

there was a jump scare coming and I knew it! I was holding onto colby like there was no tomorrow. I covered my face scared of what was going to happen. Colby then turned off the movie and picked me up and went to our shared bedroom.

He gently put me down and went on the other side of the bed. We then started cuddling. I fell asleep to his soft breathing.

Just as I was about to go into deep sleep, I felt Colby kiss my  cheek and then say "I love you baby girl."
This is my first imagine so please doing make fun of me!👍🏻😂😳
494 words

Colby Brock ~ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now