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Ruka (3)

Zuko and I ran out to the courtyard, hand in hand together. As we were doing so, one of the guards grabbed onto me and placed me in a chokehold. Great, they know.

Zuko grabbed them by the shirt and threw them to the floor. Another guard jumped onto Zuko's back and I grabbed their leg and flipped them down.

We both smiled at each other before joining the others.

"There you are." Sokka smiled. "Good. We're all here. Now all we need to do is grab the Warden and get to the gondolas."

"And how do we do that?" Zuko asked. My brother cocked a brow, "I'm not sure."

Zuko groaned in frustration. "I thought you thought this through!"

"I thought you told me it's okay not to think everything through!" Sokka's voice was so high that it could practically break a glass window.

"Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!"

I cut into their bickering. "Let's just calm down and figure this out."

"Hey fellas, I think that friend of yours is taking care of it." Chit Sang said.

We all looked to where he pointed and he was right. Suki had taken this into her own hands. "We have to get to her!" Sokka yelled.

All five of us ran to the stairs and ran up every floor to meet her. As I glanced over, I saw that she was literally running over people.

By the time we made it up, the Warden was tied up and pinned against the wall by her. "We got the Warden! Now let's get outta here!"

We were all catching our breaths and holding our stomachs.

"Impressive." My father said with a smirk. I nodded as I leaned on Zuko's side. "Tell me about it. I really need to get back in shape."


We made it up to the drop-off. But we were met with guards ready to attack. Zuko pushed passed us and blocked their attacks.

"Back off! We've got the warden!" Zuko warned. The guards placed down their hands and moved to the sides, letting us pass.

We all got into the gondola, but Zuko was still the last one out. I widened my eyes as he kept getting farther and farther away. He kicked the lever until it broke off then made a run for it.

"Hurry!" I yelled. When he jumped off of the building and into the air, I gripped the edge of the gondola. "Zuko!"

I watched as Zuko grabbed ahold of Sokka's arm. I quickly helped him pull him up and in with us.

"What are you doing!?" Sokka asked him.

"I'm making it so that they can't stop us." He responded.

"Way to think ahead."

I punched his arm, "Yeah, and to scare the life out of me."

Rubbing where I punched him, Zuko slightly smiled. "Nice to know."

I playfully rolled my eyes and turned the other away.

"We're on our way." Suki exclaimed. "Wait, who's that?" My father asked as he pointed out of the gondola. I rush to where he's looking and I groan. "You have got to be kidding me."

"That's a problem." Zuko said. "That's my sister and her friend."

Seconds later, Azula and Ty Lee make their way to us. Ty Lee ran on the cable and Azula used cuffs to propel herself.

"This is a rematch I've been waiting for." Suki smirked. Zuko glanced at me before agreeing. "Me too."

As he made his way to the roof, I followed. As did Suki and my brother.

We all got in fighting stances as they got closer. The two wasted no time to attack us. Azula on Zuko and Sokka - Ty Lee on Suki and I.

Suki and I were both dodging the girl's toxic attacks. When I felt Suki grab my arm, I smirked. I kicked myself up from the gondola's pillar and jumped over Ty Lee. Suki's punches made her back into me, but before I could do anything, the whole cart shook.

I stumbled and fell down. I couldn't grab onto anything as I slid. My scream echoed as I held onto the edge. "They're about to cut the line!" I heard.

"Ruka!" I looked down and my father had his arms out.

"Let go!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Just trust me!"

I took a deep breath before hesitantly letting my grip go. I shut my eyes as I felt myself fall, but I ended up in my father's arms. As he pulled me in, the other's were joining us.

"Are you okay?" My father asked me. I nodded before pointing to the drop off. "They're going to cut the line!"

"I hope this thing floats." My father said. I shook my head, "That's very unlikely."

A couple minutes went by before the gondola continued to move. We all peeked out, confused to how.

"Is that Mai?" I asked Zuko. She had fought all the guards and fixed the cable. He widened his eyes. "It is."

I slightly smiled, "Thanks."

Once we reached the other end, we ran out of the gondola, leaving the Warden behind. We continued to run until Zuko stopped in his tracks.

"Zuko, what are you doing?!" Sokka asked him.

"My sister was on that island." He responded with the obvious. I cocked my brow, "Uhuh, and she's still probably after us so why are you stopping?"

"What I mean is she must've come here somehow." He ran to the edge and looked down. At the bottom was a Fire Nation airship. "There! That's our way out of here."


We made it back to the temple. The three of us exit the airship first as the gang welcomed us back.

"What are you doing in this thing?" Katara asked us. "What happened to the war balloon?"

"It kinda got destroyed." Zuko responded.

"For some reason I feel like your the reason it did." Thalia joked as she hugged Sokka. I chuckled, "You're not entirely wrong."

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." Aang said.

"Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asked.

"I did." My brother grinned. "The best meat of all: the meat of friendship and fatherhood." As if on cue, my father, Suki, and Chit Sang exit the ship and reveal themselves.

"I'm new." Chit Sang waved. "What's up everybody."

"Dad." Katara smiled. "Hi Katara." She ran over to him and they embraced in a hug.

"How are you here?" Katara asked him before looking to Sokka and I. "What is going on? Where did you go?"

"We kind of went to a Fire Nation prison." Sokka responded. "I couldn't have let him get all the credit." I shrugged. My father grabbed both of our hands and pulled us all into a tight hug.

"Seriously, you guys didn't find any meat?" Toph asked. Thalia punched her in her arm. "Is that really all you can think about?"

The Ruka Wild ↠ Book 3 > A:TLA Where stories live. Discover now