stupid alien

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Both girls fell hard onto the ground of the basement, backs to the floor.

"Ow" both muttered before slowly getting up to their feet.
Looking around carefully, the crept through the dark halls with nothing but their flashlight as their guide.

"Oh my god...." Ryder let slip when both of them had come across bodies of scientists laying on the floor, blood staining their coats.

Ryder stepped over bodies and looked around for the four switches they needed to find.

"Ryder! There!" ZhenZhen whispered to her and they both quickly ran  to the switches.

"Okay...I do these two and you do those two"

So now ZhenZhen and Ryder were both standing in front of two levers. They had started to switch them.

Counting each second before doing the next.

And when they had switched all of them. The power came on.

"Nice job!" ZhenZhen whisper shouts to Ryder who gives her a thumbs up in return.

Ryder motions for ZhenZhen to follow her as they crept through the basement, trying their best to not make a single sound.

Walking through a large walk way, they finally had sight of the exit but there was dead bodies littered everywhere. The two girls stepped around and over bodies, reaching the door in a few seconds.

Ryder slowly creaked the door open but as soon as it had opened, a still alive scientist screamed from behind the girls to stop but it was too late.

An Alien dog came sprinting out from behind the door but instead of attacking the girls, it sprinted right for the scientist, finally killing her.

The two girls sighed as the walking outside of the basement and just as ZhenZhen went to close the door..

"Ryder! ZhenZhen! Hurry I need your help!" Gabriels voice rung through the speakers and Ryder at that moment had swore under her breath that she was going to kill that boy later.

The alien dog had turned around and spotted the two girls who screamed. ZhenZhen and Ryder quickly closed the door as fast as they could which closed in time but the Alien dog had lost a paw.

"Stupid Alien" Ryder hissed as she kicked the paw away from the two.

"Come on lets go" Ryder grabbed onto Zhens hand before they both ran back to the control room.


Running back into the control room, Ryder runs to Gabriel.

"Your Safe!!" Gabriel engulfs the girl in a hug, clutching her waist and head in his body as if he hadn't seen her in years.

"Yeah! No thanks to you! You nearly got us killed with you talking on the speakers!" Ryder whined as she whacked Gabriel on the arm lightly.

"Sorry. Wait! You have to help me start Excalibur!" Gabriel rushed, giving Ryder a card.

The two were just about to insert the cards into the slot but an alien arm had swung at Ryder causing her to fly right into the others.

"Aaaaahh!!" They all screamed. The Alien that had been hunting them this while time was right in front of them, about to devour them but something had hit it....

A rubix cube...

"Come at me bitch! Come at me mother....come at me!" Alex had screamed as he distracted the Alien, firing the flare at it.

"Alex! The flare won't kill it!" Ryder shouted.

"I know! But I know what will!! Start up Excalibur amd I'll meet you guys outside!" Alex said before sprinting off with the Alien following behind.

"Quickly!!" ZhenZhen said to the older two who quickly ran to their positions.




The two inserted the cards and they all cheered.

"We did it!!" Ryder screamed happily as she ran and jumped into Gabriels arms. The two had their moment before they both turned to Dariush and ZhenZhen.

"Lets get out of here!" Ryder and Gabriel helped to get Dariush out as ZhenZhen led the way.


Standing outside of the building, the four friends waited outside for their final friend who was no where to be seen.

Large explosions could be heard coming from the building and both ZhenZhen and Ryder went to run back inside but they were stopped by the boys.

"Its too dangerous" Gabriel said.

"But I can't just leave him in there!" Ryder said in a worried voice but Gabriel kept a grip on her.

The building had crashed down on itself and thats when Ryder just cried. She lost someone else again. She lost someone who was like family to her again.

She saw ZhenZhen crumble to the floor and she remembered how zhen felt towards Alex so Ryder walked up to Zhen and hugged her tightly.

But then a figure started to walk from the dust of the building.

"Alex!!" ZhenZhen screamed as she ran out of Ryders arms and to the boy she loves.

"Did we make it?" Alex asked and Ryder and the rest walked up to them.

"Yeah we did, get over here you little rascal!" Ryder said as she pulled the boy in a hug. Everyone else joined in the group hug.

Gabriel and Ryder walked off to the side a bit by themselves.

"Hey Gabriel I-" Ryder began to say a sentence but it had been cut off by Gabriel slamming his lips into hers.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him as she placed her hands on his shoulder.

When they came apart, they smiled at each other widely.

"I was going to say I love you" Ryder laughed and so did Gabriel.

"I love you too" Gabriel smiled.

"We finally did it!" The five friends stood beside each other.

"Its finally over...." Ryder whispered.

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