Chapter Eight~Luce

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I woke up to find Lucy in my arms. Her cheeks glistening and felt moist, which meant she was crying. But her lips were stretched into a smile. I subconsciously stroked her golden blonde hair.

I was stroking her hair, lost in my thoughts, when I heard someone giggle. I looked over Lucy and saw Wendy, snapping a photo on her phone. "What the hell!" I whisper-shouted to Wendy. "You're gonna wake her up." She whispered back. I carefully removed my arms from around Lucy and got out of bed. I walked out of the room and lightly closed the door. "What?" I asked. Wendy shook her head and sighed. "Hey! Don't sigh on me!" Wendy didn't look up. "Guess who's coming today?" My expression turned annoyed. "Way to spoil the mood." Wendy shook her head again and smiled. "And he's bringing his girlfriend, Mavis with him! Finally, a responsible adult." She mumbled the last part but I still heard it. I decided to ignore it instead. I paused for a moment. "Wait. What about Lucy?" I asked. "Natsu...I want you to watch over  Lucy, okay?" I looked over at her questionably. "This wasn't the first time it happened." I nodded and Wendy walked of to make breakfast. I went back to my bedroom and some clothes. I took a shower and walked back into the room to find Lucy awake. She was sitting up and rubbing her eyes. I've never thought of bed hair cute until I saw Lucy. I bet my face is as red as my bedsheets. Lucy looked at me and I saw a tiny of pink on her cheeks, which made her even more cute. "G-g-good morning, Natsu." I grinned at her. "'Morning, Lucy! Wendy left clothes for you in the bathroom." Lucy nodded and I left the room.


Lucy came into into the dinning room looking uncomfortable. "What's wrong, Lucy?" Lucy squirmed uncomfortably in her sit. "This clothes are a bit tight." Man was she right. The white buttoned shirt was unbuttoned on the top three buttons, giving you a peek of her boobs. The skirt she wore went down to her upper thighs and highlighted her curves. I then realized something. "You have big boobs." I complimented. Wendy and Lucy's face went bright red. "BAKA!" They yelled, throwing there spoons at me. "Ow..." I groaned, rubbing my head.


It was early afternoon and me and Lucy were laying in the living room. In a lazy kind of way. Suddenly, Wendy came into the room. "Natsu-nee, I'm going out with a friend of mine, okay? Why don't you and Lucy go out together?" Wendy left before I could respond. I sighed and turned to Lucy. "Wendy's right. We'll need some fresh air." Lucy stayed quiet. "Where do ya want to go?" Lucy thought about it for a while. "I need some new clothes and was planning to go shopping anyway."

"So the mall it is!" I said enthusiastically, though really, I was dreading it. Lucy giggled, which was the most cutest thing I've ever heard. I grabbed my keys and jacket and left the house.

The ride to the mall was quite. A peaceful kind of quiet. I parked the car and we walked out.


After going to many shops later, we finally stopped at a food court. I put the bags down and got our food. I was halfway eating my 5th hamburger when I saw her. "Lucy! Please cover me!" She looked at me confused. "Pretend I'm not here!" I quickly hide. I got a clear view of them.

"If it isn't the lowly blonde bimbo." Lisanna sneered. I clenched my teeth and hands. But Lucy didn't react. In fact, Lucy totally ignored her, eating here fries casually. "Hey bitch! I'm talking to you." Lisanna jerked Lucy's shoulders, forcing her to look at Lisanna. Lucy looked back at her evenly. "Who'd you come with?" Lucy stayed silent. "No one."

"Clearly your lying."

"I said I came with no one!"

I saw Lisanna slap her, but I couldn't do anything. "That'll teach you to lie to me!" She sneered, walking away. As Lisanna left, I walked over to Lucy. "Lucy..." Lucy didn't look at me. I reached out and rubbed my thumb over the place Lisanna slapped her. "Lucy, are you okay?" Lucy didn't reply at first. I saw her chest rise and fall as she breathed. Lucy finally smiled. "I'm okay." We cleaned up and walked to the car.


The car ride was awfully quiet. Lucy sat quietly, cradling her cheek. "I'm sorry." I finally said. Lucy looked at me questionably. "For Lisanna's actions. I really don't want you to get hurt again. So....I'm sorry." Lucy looked out the window. "You shouldn't be apologizing. It's not your fault." We went back to silence.

I then parked at the entrance to a park. "Why are we here?" Lucy asked. "Fresh air." I reminded her with a grin. Lucy giggled and my grin widened. We got out of the car and walked into the park. Lucy wrapped her arms around her self and shivered. I gave her my jacket, she was after all, half exposed. She thanked me and slipped the jacket on. We kept on walking. We got out of the park at about sunset. Lucy was licking on her vanilla ice cream, the strawberry syrup dripping. I looked at it hungrily. I waited until Lucy turned around and took a quick lick. She turned around and looked at me suspiciously. I looked at her innocently. The rest of the walk around the city was like that.

I was about to take the last bite when Lucy turned around, catching me red-handed. "Ah-ha! I knew it was you!" Lucy exclaimed. "It's time for you to pay!" I ran and Lucy cashed me. "I was hungry!" I whined. "That doesn't matter! It was mine!" We ran around the park, ignoring the looks we received.

We ran like that for a while until we both rolled down a hill. We stopped rolling with Lucy on top of me. She's smiling but blushing furiously. We were both panting. I saw a bit of ice cream on the corner of her mouth. I gently flipped her so that she was in the bottom. I bent down and picked the ice cream off. I looked up to see Lucy blush even harder, causing me to chuckle. I looked up and saw that the sun has set. I stood up and picked Lucy up, bridal style. "Come on, let's go home." Lucy nodded slightly. I walked to the car and saw Lucy sleeping. I put her in the backseat, laying down. I sat in the front.

We should go out more often, don't you think...


⚡End of Chapter Eight ⚡

Wassup, Nakama?

Sorry for not updating lately, I was busy with other stuff. So I decided to draw the cover for this page, put I couldn't decide.
I'll try to update more often. No promises though!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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