Getting Help

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~Alphys POV~

Undyne was in the middle of her daily thousand pushups. Alphys staggered to a stop, taking a moment to admire her glistening, sweat covered muscles. She could feel the blush rise to her face. The way those arms moved, bent, flexed. God if Mettaton saw her face, he wouldn't let it go for weeks on end.

Dear god Mettaton.

"Undyne!" She practically screeched.

"Alphys!" Undyne sprung to her feet, sprinting towards her in a crushing hug that probably very nearly broke her ribs. "How you been!?" That bubbly attitude of hers never fading. "You look-" Only now did the lizards sorry condition become noticed to the fish.
"H-Hey," She spoke tentatively. "Are you alright? I swear to god if some piece of trash hurt you I'll-"

"N-no!" She spluttered out quickly. "No it's not me I'm sad about it-it's-" She was once again reduced to tears by just remembering the sheer hollowness in his words. Usually so vibrant and extravagant, now filled by tears and misery. She couldn't think straight with these thoughts clouding her mind.

"Alphys, who?" Undyne whispered so, un-Undyne like. Quiet, worried. Not the bashful warrior fish she knew.

"It's- it's Mettaton." Alphys basically choked out. Undyne had witnessed Mettaton during one of his break downs. And only for a short while. It had reduced Undyne to a rare seen, worried mess. She knew damn well that whenever he had one, he needed comfort beyond belief.

"If that rust buckets sad, why the hell are you here?" She spoke, tone rising.

"I-I don't know I ju-just needed to see you I was s-so worried about him and h-he. Th-this. This is the worse I've EVER seen him. Undyne he could barely talk he was crying so much I just- I need to- I-I-" She practically melted into the taller woman's arms.

"Hey Alphys, look I'm gonna be frank. If that's the worse you've every seen him we need to be over there now!" She shouted, scooping up Alphys from her position and sprinting outside to her car. An old, rusty thing. But it worked. And it was damn faster then running.

Undyne practically ditched Alphys in the passenger seat before sliding smoothly across the bonnet and curving into the drivers seat. Jamming in the keys. Gears clicked and adjusted. Her foot slammed down. The car lurched and shot forward like a rocket. But Undyne didn't have her usual maniacal grin when she drove this car. No. Instead she had pursed her lips in worry as she tapped her fingers nervously on the wheel.

Nearly an hour passed before they made it to the hot-lands. To the bright, gleaming building that Mettaton preformed all his soul capturing live performances. The car swerved dangerously to a halt as it slid into one of the few vacant parking bays. Both woman jumped out of the car. Alphys already rummaging for her key into the VIP backstage area. The area were that handsome robot was probably still ruining the perfect masterpiece that was his makeup.

"Come on, come on," Alphys muttered as she fiddled for the right key. Finally the key slotted into place and the door swung open as the pair darted into the room. They were immediately greeted by the sorry sight that was the star of the underground. Huddled in a corner, sobs reaching the other side of the room. Body shaking violently. Alphys wasn't even sure if he recognised that they were in the room. His posture certainly made no such indication.

Undyne eyes were wide, she stared at the robot she once thought practically oozed confidence and positivity. She waited for him to stand up and laugh at their faces. To say that they had fallen for it. That this was some cleverly thought out JOKE. But no such words came forth. Only more wails of misery pierced through the unusual silence of the room.

"M-Mettaton?" Alphys voice, barley more than a whisper. Yet still it was recognised.

The robots head snapped up. Undyne stifled a gasp.

His face looked worse than he sounded.

The robots lower lip quivered dangerously, his eyes twitched as his retinas focused clumsily on the duo. His hair, usually so glamours and fancy, now reduced to messy strings of unkempt hair, that had undoubtedly had a gloved hand run through it several times exposing the darker, more menacing side of his face, his pure pink iris with a white heart as the pupil zeroed in on them, practically dripping in sadness. But that wasn't the only thing dripping, his cheeks were stained with the lines of black mascara running down his face mixed with the much more vast amount of tears that soaked through it.

Mettaton quickly covered his face. Devastated that his only friend and a near stranger had seen him in this sorry state. His cries racked through his body more intensely.

Alphys tip toed forwards, trying to get closer, while Mettaton looked like he wanted to shrink further into the corner. Undyne stayed at a respectful distance. Mostly out of shock more than anything else.

The lizards soft footsteps padded forward as she knelt down to be face to face with the emotional mess in front of her.

"What happened?" She whispered softly, silently bracing herself for the emotional trauma that was about to spill forth. It was not at all what she was expecting.

"I- I-" The robot tried to form coherent sentences as he chocked out words. "I just realised ho-how alone I am and I just...I just... I have two friends, two real friends that care about me and I-I've just..." More sobs. More sickening sounds. "I just want to be... just to be honest wi-with my fans b-but I know that if I try I'll ju-just be shot down and mo-monsters will just think it's all an a-act for attention and I-I I just need-" More cutting cries cut rapidly through the air. "I just- I'm so lonely and-and I- and I never realised it un-until now and nobody really knows me and no one cares about me and everyone just think that I'm- that I'm this untouchable th-thing and I-" Alphys surged forward, wrapping her small arms around the lean robot. Mettatons head slumped into her shoulder as her coat was stained with mascara and tears alike. His body shook and his breath rattled.

"H-hey, look, were gonna take you back to the lab. Your gonna sit down on your bed and we're going to t-talk. A lot. So come on." Alphys straightened herself and out stretched her hand to the pile of misery below her.

A gloved hand gingerly took it and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. However long it took Alphys to get him to his knees he had no idea, but by then Undyne stepped in and lifted the android with ease. They duo held the staggering robot in-between. Walked to the car. Slid into it.

Mettaton sniffled as he was gently pushed in the middle of the pair. Sitting not quite on either seat. His marvellous thighs making it rather hard for the pickup to accomodate the trio. The engine started and Mettaton held his face in his hands as he stained them too. Alphys placed a hand on his knee comfortingly.

"It'll be alright." She whispered, barley audible over the engine. Oh how Mettaton wished he could believe her.

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