Their First Night Out

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~Papyrus POV~

He stood tall outside his best friends door. Why had he voluntarily decided to help with cloths shopping? It was beyond him, but regardless, he knocked on Undyne's door. Alphys had sent the text, asking for Undyne to come to dinner with her tonight, and Mettaton had insisted that he and Papyrus get a separate table, which would mean that now he also had cloths to buy...

Undyne yanked open the door, before wrapping him in a hug laughing. "Ribs!" He squeaked. "Watch the ribs!" Reluctantly she put him down. Slouched over, he groaned. "With a friend like you Undyne, it's a wonder I still have any bones."

"Ah, you love me."

"Yes, you are my friend." She perked at that. "Besides, you're looking oddly bubbly today."

Her cheeks looked an odd teal colour. "W-well that's'm just so happy to see you!" He stared at her blankly for a moment.

"You're not fooling anyone, you know, especially not me."

"S-shut up. I swear if you came all this way to tease me, I'm gonna-"

"Calm down, it's nothing quite so dramatic, in fact, I'm here to go cloths shopping with you!"

Undyne stifled a laugh. "No offence but..."

"Believe me, I've know idea I volunteered either, but Mettaton gave me his card, saying, and I quote, 'Go wild darling' so we've got funds."

"Well then what're we waiting for?"


She punched his shoulder lightly, laughing. "Come on ya sack a' bones."

She jumped into her car as he curled his long frame into the seat next to her. "Also Undyne,"


"I'm going to need to get clothes as well, because, Mettaton booked another table for us, and well...I don't own any suits."

"Then let's not waste any more time. She changed gears and planted her foot on the pedal. The car shot forward, while the duo cackled insanely from within.


"Huh," They stared blankly at the shopping complex before them. "There's so many options." One question racked both of their minds.

Undyne looked puzzled. "Where do we start?"

"I think we should vaguely figure out what we're going to wear, present it to each other, change, and make decisions from there."


And off they went, through shop after shop, store after store, picking up parts of the outfit they wanted. Finally meeting at a mixed gender shop, they briefly gave each other a wave before walking into change rooms.

Setting his choices down, he removed his scarf, his chest piece, boots, black arm and leg pieces, pants and his undershirt. He looked at the suit laid out neatly before him. Started with the boxers, then the abyss black pinstripe pants, the white button up shirt came next, then his black belt with a engraved silver buckle, he slipped on the crimson tie, a deep ash waist coat after, an abyss black pinstripe suit top next, he slipped on black socks, tied his polished black dress shoes, pulled on white gloves and laid his crimson red scarf over the top of the whole thing, flowing neatly behind him. Lastly, the black, wide brimmed hat, with a crimson band around it, he pulled it down, somewhat covering one of his eye sockets and looked at himself. It gave him a somewhat rakish quality. The hat completed it, he decided.

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