Their First Show

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~Mettaton POV~

Midway through unpacking their things into their respective closets, Papyrus asked a question. "So Mettaton,"


"Which show out of all the ones we're doing will I have to be involved in?"

"If I'm honest, probably all of them." The skeleton heaved a heavy sigh that earned a chuckle from him. "Come on, it can't be that bad, in fact, your singing voice was actually pretty good. So you've got nothing to worry about."

"I suppose, but, singing in a car with a good friend and singing in front of...who knows how many people-"

"At least five thousand."

"You're serious!?" Papyrus looked at him for a moment. "Dammit, you're serious." This time he responded with a laugh.

"We are going to have to get you a new suit by the way."

Papyrus looked a bit miffed. "Why? Is this one not good enough?"

As Mettaton stepped into the closet, he responded. "Well as much as I love that suit of your's," He put several items on coat hangers along the bar. "You need one that matches the theme of hot pink and black."

He heard Papyrus step over to his closet. "Huh. I suppose that's fair enough, but honestly, if that's the theme I'm going to have to go with, I don't know what part of the suit should be pink, so I might need some help there."

Mettaton turned and grinned. "Darling, an excuse to go cloths shopping? I'm sold." Papyrus laughed. That goddamn gentle, yet carrying laugh, that drove him insane.

"Well consider your offer accepted. But speaking of shows earlier, when is our first one?"

"Oh, that's tomorrow night!" Groaning, the skeleton stalked back to his closet as Mettaton finished up with putting a few shoes in the closet, high heels, sneakers, fringe boots, gogo heels, combat boots, wedge heel boots, lace-up boots. God he had a lot of boots.

Stepping out, he watched Papyrus slip down the hallway with a change of cloths, pyjamas presumably. Turning around he picked out a loose, light grey shirt and pair of comfortable black tracksuits and walked to the bathroom to change himself.

Thankfully, there were two bathrooms with their own respective mirror, shower, etc.

Slipping off his signature heels and leather pants, he detached his shoulder plates and pink chest plate and slipped off his crisp white gloves. Even with no one around, he was already crossing his arms over himself in a protective manner. He looked in the mirror. God, he looked so nervous.

Slowly, he got around to removing make up, sliding on the tracksuit and shirt, gave his hair one last brush and walked out of the bathroom to find Papyrus laying on the couch with a blanket. Mettaton stared.

"What?" The skeleton asked. "I'm just letting you have the bed to yourself."

He stared for a moment longer before coming to a decision. One that would no doubt make him red as a fire extinguisher. "Nonsense, you're not sleeping on the couch, we have a bed for a reason and if anyone peaks in the door, we need to keep up the illusion, so come here you." With that, he grabbed the skeletons radius and dragged his surprisingly heavy frame from the couch and marched towards their bed.

"A-are you sure?" For the first time in a while, Papyrus's voice had lost its boisterous quality.

"Of course I'm sure darling." He wasn't.

And with that, they slipped into opposite sides of the bed and shortly Mettaton heard Papyrus's breaths take a slower tempo and his body slowly went limp into the blankets. He smiled.

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