Say It

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~Mettaton POV~

Warm. He felt warm and cozy. His eyes were still closed as he snuggled deeper into...something...

A low noise of content rose in his metal throat. "Mmmm." He didn't want to get up. Didn't want to open his eyes. Opening his eyes would require him to take on responsibility's and put on his public persona that he really didn't want to deal with right now. So he just snuggled deeper and made another, cute, happy, sound. It was nice to relax. If there was anything he loved it was mornings, (and possibly someone) his mind whispered to him. Pushing away such thoughts he continued his internal conversation. Mornings were fantastic, not because of being productive, not getting started early, or enjoying crisp morning air, though that was nice. No, it was the fact that he just got to let go and relax. Not the, lounge his luxurious legs on tables with his killer high heels as he flirted with some monster, relax. No, it was the "I wanna be lazy today and nothing will stop me", relax. He shuffled a bit and felt his generous rump start to slip off the coach. Then nearly fall entirely.

He yelped as he quickly flung himself closer to the couch. Injuring himself because he fell of a couch would be an interesting conversation with Alphys. One he'd rather not have. Reluctantly opening his eyes he looked behind him to see if he had knocked anything over. He had. His bowl. Whatever. Looking back, determined to not let a mess disturb his beauty sleep, his pink iris's focused on the black sockets gazing back at him. His jaw dropped as he saw his arm roped inside the skeletons rib cage and the other was holding onto the jaw of Papyrus. Tentatively. They stared. They stared for god knows how long. Long enough for Mettaton to start picking out small, little details about the skeleton. All of his teeth were perfectly lined and symmetrical. He had a long, but faded scratch on the side of his cranium. His cheek bones were infuriatingly high, adding to his somehow rakish quality. Tiny, small scratches dotted under the Papyrus's eye sockets.

He was maddeningly perfect.

And it made his soul pulse in its case and pink magic rise to his face.

He made an intelligent noise like, "Uhhhh..." As he stared into the black abyss that made Papyrus's eye sockets. And the abyss stared back.

Annoyingly or blessedly, he wasn't sure, they were interrupted by Alphys and Undyne shuffling down the stairs. Bags under both their eyes. An anime all nighter he'd wager. Once they got to the bottom Alphys shuffled into the kitchen, oblivious. But Undyne just stared. She stared hard, mouth somewhat open. She slowly raised a finger in their direction but failed to say anything. Mettatons left hand still was under Papyrus's shirt, his other still cupping his skull warmly, while Papyrus gingerly held metallic forearm and waist. His touch sent shivers up his spine. He could only imagine what this must've looked like.

Still Undyne stared. Her finger dropped unceremoniously and finally she made a spluttering noise before sucking in a deep breath and staring at them again. Her lips parted...

"WHAT!?"The bellow echoed around the house. Still he and Papyrus hadn't moved. Alphys stumbled out of the kitchen to see what Undyne was making a fuss of. She promptly dropped her mug of coffee in response.

A small, nervous chuckle escaped Papyrus's mouth. "Ha...h-hey guys..." His voice lacked its usual dramatic effect and volume. His already orange cheekbones darkened yet another, wondrous shade. Clearly the skeleton was just as embarrassed as he felt.

Undyne spluttered our once more, "C-could you two s-stop holding each other so lo-lovingly?" Her voice far out of its norm. Which was loud.

Their hands hadn't moved. The two looked back at each other. Their eyes locked again.

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