Journey of Healing

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~Undyne POV~

Well that was...eventful.

Who was she kidding that was chaos. She stared at the place the duo had once been standing. She didn't know Papyrus could be so...consoling, it was honestly rather surprising. She was more or less expecting Papyrus to piss off 'Ton to no extent, but instead she just witnessed him look intensely calm and focused while he whittled down the robots resolve before eventually taking him to...

Where had he taken him?

They weren't on the coach, but Alphys was. Dry tears covered her cheeks. Briskly walking over she sat down next to her...friend...

"H-hey Undyne."

She just couldn't stop a smile rising to her lips. "Hey Alphys. How you doin'?"

"I-I'm alright...just a bit in shock I suppose. What Mettaton said was...harsh...but true."

"H-hey that's not true, you're fantastic," she exclaimed frantically. "Why'd you let some robot tell you what you are!?"

The scientist sighed, but a smile lingered on her face. "Because as much as I'd like to believe you, I have had years of procrastination on really important things."

Undyne wasn't sure, but she swore Alphys looked at the floor, almost through it.

"But enough about me, I assume you want to know where Papyrus and Mettaton are?"
For the first time in her life, Alphys talked without a stutter, she sounded so much more, confident than usual. It was kind of astonishing.

And se- bad thoughts.


"All I saw was Papyrus bridal carrying him into his room. They haven't come out since."

"Wait are they..."

Alphys face flushed red. Adorably. "W-what!? N-no, I don't think s-so."

"Yeah I'm gonna go check in that now." Vaulting over the coach she stalked over to the robots bedroom door. Looked metal. Sturdy. She was about to kick down the door when she saw the handle twisting and Papyrus pad out of the room facing away from her. His gaze lingered on the robot for a moment.

He sighed. "I really need to think this through..." Closing the door he turned and a ear piercing "Shit!" filled Undynes ears before he fell over. A snort escaped her before she doubled over laughing.

"H-hey what are you laughing at?"

She tried to answer. She really did. But she could only responded with a few more wheezes.

~Mettaton POV~

Drowsy. He felt drowsy. He cracked open his eye to be greeted by the familiar sight of his room.

"Papyrus... oh how I envy you..." His words reaching no one but himself. "To be able to be happy. Must be nice to have so many people like you genuinely." He sighed. His voice sounded raspy. Now that normally wouldn't be a problem as he'd just go drink something...but...he had far to much on his mind.

Alphys. What was he going to do about Alphys?

He dragged himself out of bed, for once, not much caring for his look. Opening the door he expected to see Alphys on the coach with Undyne and Papyrus, instead he was greeted with...nothing.

Frowning he exited his room and walked down the stairs. Still no one. Not in the kitchen, not in the dining room, not even out the front. There was no noise at all. Except for the lonely sound of his padding footsteps and his slowly quickening breath.

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