1. Party

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"Smitt? You there bud?"

Jaren is brought back to the present by Cameron, his voice laced with concern. He offers him a small smile. "I'm okay, Fitz."

"Are you sure? You've not been yourself all night."

"Just tired, s'all."

But it isn't all. Jaren's eyes have been following his best friend John's every move with an intense awareness he isn't quite comfortable with. He hasn't been able to enjoy himself for even five minutes since he'd gotten to this wretched party because he kept looking for John. He is the sole reason Jaren is putting himself through this. John had called him up the day before, begging him to come.

"Jaren, I need you to be there or it won't be any fun at all."

No, he'd said. He wasn't in the mood for a party and there was nothing that would change his mind.

"Smithers, please." John had pleaded with him and it had gotten harder to say no. Barely two minutes later, the two had ended their phone conversation with John clearly happier and Jaren begrudgingly having agreed to go.

So here he is. John is on the other side of the room, conversing with a group of people with such ease, it makes Jaren jealous. He isn't a social butterfly in real life like John is. He eyes John as he laughs, his head thrown back and that glorious sound coming out of his mouth.

"Jaren, you're doing it again."

He sighs and turns to Cameron. "Don't worry about me man. I'm good. Go and get wasted or something."

Fitz raises his cup. "Already on it, my friend." He takes a long gulp and smiles brightly at Jaren. "Well, I'll catch you later." He's already walking away at this stage, his long legs taking him further from Jaren, who stands and watches his friend disappear.

He turns around and grabs himself a drink from the table, eyeing the dark liquid and swirling it around. After taking a sip and deciding it isn't for him, Jaren throws it out and re-scans the crowd. Why is he here? He doesn't even know whose house this is. He sighs when he can't find anyone he knows and walks away from the stuffed room to explore the enormous house.

On his way around, he finds himself looking for that familiar head of fluffy blonde hair. It's odd - he's never usually this clingy to John at parties but right now he really needs to see him.

He manages to find the staircase after squeezing past gyrating bodies and gingerly steps over people making out on the stairs. He wrinkles his nose. Surely there are better places to express your attraction to another person than a staircase that reeks of alcohol.

Once upstairs, he assesses the landing. There are multiple rooms and honestly, he doesn't really have a certain one in mind as he wanders. He decides to go to the one at the end of the corridor, the bright white door beckoning him. He twists the handle and steps inside before looking up.

The sight before him is a punch in the gut. John, blonde hair even messier than normal, has his lips connected to a pretty brunette's. His eyes are closed as he kisses her and she is as into it as he is, her fists in his hair while his hands roam her body.

When they hear Jaren step in, the two pull away slightly, still in each others' arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on something." Jaren gulps, his eyes searching John's.

John offers him a small smile. "It's all good, brother." His arm encircles the brunette's waist, who giggles and smiles kindly at Jaren. He's seen her around before and she seems like a nice person but Jaren can't help the immediate dislike that surfaces as he watches John turn to her and smile in a way that sends a jolting fire through his chest.

The realisation of what he is feeling hits Jaren like a brick wall. His eyes widen slightly and he clears his throat. "I'll... leave you. Sorry about that. Um, see you John."

He sees the fleeting look of concern in John's eyes but before he can act on it, Jaren has darted out of the room and is halfway down the stairs, stepping over the couples swallowing each others' fucking faces and sprinting to his car. Fuck this party.


So. My first Krii7y story. In this fic, the gbg live fairly close to each other instead of on, you know, different continents like they actually do.

I hope this was an interesting start. Thank you for reading :)


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